N.Y’s ‘SAFE ACT” passed by Cuomo during the night without a vote- claimed ‘imminent need’ as his justification- banned all sorts of things, cops went around confiscating guns
[[The New York City Police Department is taking aim at owners of shotguns and rifles capable of holding more than five rounds, demanding such guns be surrendered, altered or taken out of the city.
The demand came in the form of some 500 letters mailed out to owners of registered long guns that are in violation of a 2010 city ordinance. The first option for the letter’s recipient is to, “Immediately surrender your Rifle and/or Shotgun to your local police precinct, and notify this office of the invoice number. The firearm may be sold or permanently removed from the City of New York thereafter.” ]]
[[One attorney representing several people who have been forced to surrender their guns spoke with TheBlaze and alerted us to some disturbing facts:]]
[[Tresmond says his client was ordered to turn in his weapons last week because he was once on anti-anxiety medication, which is a violation of the SAFE Act. Wednesday, State Police informed the Erie County Clerks Office that it made a mistake when it said Lewis was in violation of the states new gun law. ]]
[[Retired cop sues New York State for confiscating guns after insomnia treatment]]
Need more?
That’ll do. NY City is NOT New York State. We still carry 10 rounds in our CCW pistols, no problem.