Sadly, sice the initial shooting I knew full well what the feral youth would try to do. They want dead cops, not shot, dead. It is the on,y thing their culture understands, violence.
If I was a cop in that area, I would be wearing as much body armor as possible and would have AR-15 on my person at all times, ready to go.
No, I don't think they know what is going on, really. I think they're being led around by the nose, by the hardcore Left cadre that is organizing all this. The question for us is, who is the leadership, and is Obama the "Man Behind the Curtain"? I think he is.
I think Obama, acting through Holder, wants to turn over the city government and PD of Ferguson to an all-black regime, which is what happened in New Orleans and Atlanta after they elected their first black mayors.
For some reason, Obama wants to precipitate that in Ferguson.