Obama loves black people!!! So much so that besides demanding millions upon millions of illegals invade the country, he’s also pushing to spend billions and billions of dollars on them! How about that all you inner city blacks who always vote Democrat? Besides destroying what little is left of your job market, he’s also going to pay illegals to do it Isn’t that great? Remember when we use to have a Republican party? In the the old days Republicans would be exploiting the hell out of that in the black communities. Today we get *crickets* *crickets* *crickets*
It makes for an excellent opportunity to educate the urban black folks on what they are facing. A grassroots effort, putting up flyers (not written in that foreign language cursive of course) simply explaining that which you stated and more, could possibly do more to get blacks off the democrat plantation, than any other measure in decades. The ‘trick’ would be to do such without a race war erupting.....