Are not dangerous to the population to the degree that Heroin, Crack, Meth and Weed are.
Alcohol comes closest, but we had a vote on that and the nation decided to accept the level of death and destruction that it causes.
And now we've had and are having votes on pot.
I thought the conversation was about weed.
—Alcohol comes closest, but we had a vote on that and the nation decided to accept the level of death and destruction that it causes. —
No, there was no ‘vote’ on it. Your Representatives in Govnerment were responsible for banning it based on some hysterical agitators. After society was turned upside down and racked with crime, those same Representatives un-banned it. There was never a referendum by the people in either instance.
Same thing with the FDA. Don’t conservatives rail against ‘unelected bureaucrats’ making law? Oh, I see, only in select circumstances until your delicate sensibilities are offended.
See also: trans fats, tobacco and coming soon: sugar. Enjoy your nanny state.