The other issue was ‘net neutrality’. He explained both in Marxists terms - I wasn't paying a lot of attention because Marxists are boring to me. But I walked away with the strong feeling that giving up control of ‘the net’ would benefit Communists and hurt the United States.
Speaking of communists, there’s an international aspect to this that isn’t being talked about much. Namely that reclassifying the internet as a utility makes certain parts of international law incoherent where it applies to the internet. The effect is that it’s going to be easier for countries to take control of certain parts of the infrastructure that are currently controlled by the U.S. — China and Russia being the first that come to mind. I can’t remember the technicalities offhand but somehow we currently control the establishment of domain names and somehow we could lose that, which would make it easier for bad governments to wall off parts of the internet from their people. Essentially we are ceding some of our control to other international “stakeholders”.