Actually I have heard several “conservatives” make that argument.
Actually I have heard several conservatives make that argument.
Thing is, I think businesses should have the right to say who they do business with. Yep, that even means the old “coloreds only” stuff in the old south. It was dying without government intervention anyway. Can you imagine a business today announcing that they refuse to do business with blacks, or shuffle them into a “separate but equal” space? It didn’t fly in most of the US and it was being vanquished in the deep south as well in the 50’s and 60’s.
The problem is that the laws it gave us ushered in the concept of “group rights” when the constitution is founded on the concept of “individual” rights. And now “groups” are demanding “special” rights by virtue of their being in a group.
The funniest is the “same sex marriage” issue. They argue they don’t have the same rights as other “groups” but the fact is they have always had the exact same rights as ALL individuals. Each of them was ALWAYS allowed to marry as another person of the opposite sex that was not already married and not a close relative.
They just wanted “special” rights.
And here we are with bakeries losing their businesses.