Posted on 02/14/2015 12:31:24 PM PST by WhiskeyX
KYIV, February 14 /Ukrinform/. Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine have already more tanks than the armies of some NATO countries and Russia is preparing to send more.
The statement was made by the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt on his Twitter.
The separatists now have larger fighting force with more tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery
and rocket systems than some NATO and European countries," wrote Pyatt.
In addition, he has published satellite imagery showing the deployment of separatists' Russian anti-aircraft and artillery weapons near the city of Debaltseve, 70 kilometers north of Donetsk.
We are confident these are Russian military, not separatists'," the US Ambassador to Ukraine said.
He also said that Russia plans to send a large shipment of supplies to separatists fighting in eastern Ukraine.
So why don’ they conquer Europe? It’s a lot more valuable than the Ukraine.
Doesn’t say much for what has happened to many of the military’s of NATO in the last 20 years, does it.
How many still refuse to spend the required 2% of GDP on their militaries, that is required by the NATO charter?
They have 705 days to go until Obama leaves office.
There are probably small towns in the US that are as well armed as some NATO countries...
We are confident these are Russian military, not separatists’,”
They used to have the common decency to at least PRETEND they needed to prove things.
Well, now they can suck it. Our military could so easily sock the Russians if they tried to expand westward, but I'd rather watch the Europeans squeal in horror as the reds steamroll them.
Can’t Bloomberg just go disarm them?
Welcome to the Eastern front you stupid neo-cons.
No mention of the western equipment pouring into Ukraine.
Someone has to push back against that globalist, Putin. The paleos won’t.
“No mention of the western equipment pouring into Ukraine.
UK had to admit this week that they got caught providing Saxon armoured vehicles to Ukraine.
Granted, even the Brits say they are “pretty Useless”, but the funny thing is, at least one ALREADY FOR SALE by someone in Ukraine for $72,500, FOB Odessa, Ukraine!
Half the stuff we send to Kiev is either being stolen and sold, or even being sold directly to the rebels.
There is no evidence of the Russians expanding westward.
Just holding Crimea, which is something we have known that they will do even if Nukes, Chemical Agents, and Biological Weapons are required ... since the Crimea War.
Ukraine was spun off as a separate nation on paper, while intended to remain a critical strategic resource as part of a political ploy.
But they were always going to retain it even if that requires total war.
You might read some of the many books we have on Russian Military thought. This stuff was required reading when I was in the Marine Corps (assuming that you ever wanted to make rank) and it is sad to see so many people that didn’t know this was going to happen and openly fantasize that Ukraine can come to a west that isn’t a devastated wreck of what it was before the global war trying to pry Ukraine from Russia will (not might) precipitate.
At the very least I hoped Americans in general would be smart enough to beef up our NBC capacities and prepare our cities and populace to survive such a conflict if the west chooses to go to the mat.
Instead of scrapping the A10, maybe we. should reup production and sell some refurbs to Ukraine.
I think they have more tanks now than the UK has!
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