“Naturally, you are at liberty to marry any consenting adult your heart desires based on equal protection and due process.”
Hmmm. Can you marry more than one at a time, if that’s what your heart desires? How about family members? What if the heart desires a non-human? What if it has nothing to do with what the heart desires, and it’s just a way to get benefits of some kind?
Also, what if somebody else’s heart doesn’t desire to “marry” you? Are they at liberty to refrain from doing so? Are they at liberty to refuse to bake a cake for you? What if they refuse to recognize your “marriage”? Are they at liberty to do so?
I see costs to allowing same sex marriage. I see zero benefits. Homos get their perversions approved by the government. How does society benefit from that?
Ask him if two spinster siblings (in a non-sexual living arrangement) can “marry” one another to shelter their estate and possibly obtain insurance benefits from a current (or retiree) employment program?