I like Sarah. A lot.
But the left has successful redefined her as a caricature. Not her fault, but her time has past. Secretary of State perhaps.
My vote is Secretary of the Interior. She has a love and reverence for the land,while understanding the need for natural resources. It would be a natural fit.
1968 - "But the left has successfully redefined Richard Nixon as a caricature. Not his fault, but his time has passed."
1980 - "But the left has successfully redefined Ronald Reagan as a caricature. Not his fault, but his time has passed."
I agree with you about the media smearing her.
May I add that her own actions (quitting as govenor) and high profile family issues (recent trumped up family altercation), have provided ample fodder for her critics.
She is best as a redmeat issue cheerleader, conservative commentator.
We desperately need a Reagan-like leader who cannot be swayed by bribe or threat, to shame and humiliate dems, rinos and mobilize the country to move in the right direction.