How was your weekend?
Anything that the government gives away, if younare not taking it, you are paying for it. For example, the billions the government gives away as food stamps, if you do not get food stamps, you are paying for someone else to get food stamps.
If you are a single person, without children, you are paying for welfare, schooling, health care, food stamps, and who knows what else, for someone else.
If you have personal pride, you won’t take free things from the government, unless you are desperate. But, the person without character will jump at getting free stuff from the government, and you are paying for it.
And, on top of that, the government has proven inefficient with our money.
Look at unemployment benefits. On a personal level, the government collected over $200, 000 from me over the years, then, when I went on unemployment benefits and had to stay on it for 2 years until I found work, they paid me a total of $20, 000... $10, 000 per year. 10 FRICKEN PERCENT OF WHAT THEY COLLECTED!
Oh, and Social Security. You pay into that for years, and can only collect at a point where if you lived longer than the oldest person alive, you won’t collect enough to cover what you paid and if you are black, odds are you won’t get to collect anything. But, you knpw who will? The guy who went on disability/SSI because he is so fat he can’t do anything...and the guy who was made a quadriplegic because he got high and drunk while waterskying and wiped out by crashing into a stump he thought was a ramp.
The government should not be a place for handouts!
MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina...