We know that the leaders of the mainstream media have largely been co-opted and corrupted by the Obama administration. They will not even attempt to break the high and soundproof stone walls that they have helped to build around Obamas many scandals. These include Operation Fast and Furious, IRS political targeting, the intelligence agencies illegally spying on Obamas perceived political enemies, and so on. Breaking the American Pravda embargo against truthful reporting is a lost cause.
But are there no actively serving (or even recently retired) military generals or members of the federal Senior Executive Service who retain a shred of honor? Who will place Duty, Honor and Country ahead of paycheck, pension, and self-promotion? Is there not one real hero left with stars on his shoulders?
Not even one?
General Petraeus, where is your book? Is your agent planning to release it in a few years to maximize its profits? Arent you already making a ton of money sitting on all of those boards? Only a coward and scoundrel (like a certain recent Secretary of Defense) would wait to release a book only after its information was too late to prevent disaster. And knowing what I now know, I would not be surprised to learn that threats had been made against your family in order to ensure your silence. After all, gangsters rule our government today. Its the Chicago Way.
But General Petraeus, before your book finally comes out, possibly after many years, can you please answer two very simple questions? Put your answers on the public record now, instead of waiting for your book, when its too late to matter. As a man of honor, please answer these two questions sooner, rather than later.
1. Where was President Barack Obama on the night of the Benghazi attacks, hour by hour, dusk til dawn?
2. Does President Obamas mysterious MIA status on the night when his good friend Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans were being killed relate to his failure to grant cross-border authority for an external rescue mission? Necessary permission that only the president, in person, can give? Did President Obama literally hide, so that no external rescue could be mounted? A rescue that might have turned into a Blackhawk Down disaster just weeks before the election? General Petraeus, an honorable man would not hesitate to put these facts on the record.
The American people deserve to know exactly what kind of man their Commander-in-Chief is. The fact that years after Benghazi we still dont know the answers to those questions indicates that we are far along in the process of losing our freedom, with the mainstream media and the intelligence services colluding in the establishment of tyranny.
History will judge us very harshly if we dont find a way to stop Obamas Garden of Beasts from fundamentally transforming the United States into a one-party socialist dictatorship, while we watch it happen, helpless to resist. We watch and we wait, like insects already injected with paralyzing poison and wrapped in silk, awaiting the spider.
How can we escape from Team Obamas web of deceit?
(That’s the end of my essay “Stonewalled in Obama’s Garden of Beasts”)
Stevens was Zero's and Hillary's accomplice. I care nowhere near as much about him as I do the SEALS who died in his defense. Yet it is far more important to nail the Creep for what we all know he is.