Got a call today from NRA wanting money...
They started by asking my opinion of which was more feared:
1. Barack Obama’s amnesty actions
2. Hillary Clinton getting into the white house.
I responded by saying “Republicans in congress who will do nothing to stand up to an unconstitutional president!
If republicans cannot un-seat a sell-out traitor RINO leader like Boehner, our goose is cooked... and it doesn’t matter who is in the white house.
I then asked “What in the hell does Obama have to do to get impeached???”
Republicans can impeach Clinton for Oral-Office favors, but they cannot impeach Obama for subverting the law???
What happens to this country is not Obama’s fault... its ours... and Boehner is leading the charge into collapse while our representatives plead with him not to punish them for dissenting????
Give me a break!
If Barack starts killing off those 25 million Americans* that Ayers discussed so long ago, then maybe . . . MAYBE . . . they will do something.
*In the interests of proportionality to the U.S. population, Ayers' 25 million would be closer to 40 million today.