Translation: You enroll, you pass, you matter how ignorant you really are and the college gets paid for your attendance.
Just what we need, more millions of “college graduates” who don’t have what used to be an eighth grade public school education. They come out now with a major in history and don’t recognize the terms Battle of Hastings, Magna Charta or even American Revolution. It used to be said that a history major was only good if you planned to teach history but apparently it is useless for that now. Inflation is rampant in everything, a twenty dollar bill now buys about as much food as a one used to buy and a bachelor degree is equivalent to an old time sixth grade education at best. The worst part is that the students graduating have been so misled and undereducated that they believe they really are the, “Most educated generation in history” even though they don’t know the difference between your and you’re and don’t have a clue about pronoun usage.