So Greg Abbott is opposed to Washington telling him how to run Texas, but is more than willing to tell Austin how to run their city?
>> So Greg Abbott is opposed to Washington telling him how to run Texas, but is more than willing to tell Austin how to run their city?
Your premise is flawed. You assume that “state is to Fed as city is to state”.
That just ain’t so.
States’ rights are protected from the Fed by the US constitution. However city entities in Texas exist at the pleasure of the state. Texas cities have no inherent rights EXCEPT those granted by the state legislature.
So, yeah— go Abbot! Go legislature! Kick the crap out of gay old Austin! Grind them to powder under your cowboy boot!
Specious comparison.
My take on it as well. Generally speaking, the more that government can be localized, the better.
I speak as a person who lives in a very conservative area of a very liberal state and am sick of state liberal government rules being imposed on everybody.