Interesting! I have thought about having my own business. But putting that on hold to see if I can get real money to send our son to school (private, not public). That is our main goal - for me to pay for school, while the rest is “fluff”.
I had an interview yesterday, actually. They have been courting me for weeks. My biggest fear - the commute toward DC. I really don’t know what to think. I don’t want to be couped up in traffic every day and not home for our son and so on. But I may have to do it, a) to get money and b) to get something fresh on my resume. Rather than “oh, she hasn’t worked for years”.
I’m just mechanical so I don’t think I have to worry as much as anyone with IT/tech like you. But it is still hard to get a job, even with some 13 interviews!
That’s great (ME), you planned better than I did for the future and having a family. I can imagine how I’d be laughed at with my resume of old, old software programs and languages.
It must feel great to be courted like that! Maybe it can be a short term job, just to get your foot in doors again.
Not to tell you what to do... but have you considered homeschooling vs a private school? You obviously have the intelligence to teach your son everything he needs.
I taught in a very expensive private school for just one semester . it was the most expensive private school in our city - so imagine my shock when I found they were teaching at a level even below the public schools! All their data and available info didn’t show their deficiencies. I got my son out of there (we were getting free tuition) and homeschooled him the rest of the year. I used a charter school that provided materials and even teacher support and testing. While the private school was the worst school experience, homeschooling was the best. Also, my son got all his work done in just a few hours- imagine all the time that is wasted in our public schools. So he had plenty of time for socializing, sports, and volunteering. And taking classes at a community college! That’s a much better route for college credit than high school AP classes.
And it would actually be less stress for you than commuting, being away from hum, and the worries of a new job.