As a thought experiment...
What happens to ‘Community Colleges’ when MUY’s (Minority Urban Youth’s’ decide that their campuses ‘deserve’ their presence and turn them into the modern equivalent of the Mall where they fight over ‘turf’ and make the whole learning experience a complete disaster for those who really want an education? One I mean that is not filled with fear of not being able to make the next class or even making it home.
If that DOESN'T happen, I'd be surprised. It's what they're already doing in city government school/prisons. Why would their behavior change?
The football coach at our rural MN community college recruits that demographic heavily. One was recently stabbed to death in an early morning fight. Their team isn’t very successful and many of those recruits can’t keep grades up or handle living away from the city so they leave after one season. Local high school coaches can’t figure out why he doesn’t recruit the decent local players who may not be ready for a 4 year school, but would stay eligible and in the area for a few years while gaining training in their chosen field.