I hate to answer when ancient threads are dredged up, but your statement is too ridiculous.
Just what “larger dog” size are these cats? And are there any maulings they have committed? Deaths? Please list the statistics.
The point is that is what dogs will do when they are bad (and there are many); they really like using their teeth. It’s only lucky when a dog is small - but you can still get ripped up pretty darn well.
Take it from a German Shepherd lover. I have no illusions. If I did, like the kootchie-kootchie fools, there could’ve been danger in my house or to my neighbors. And yes, I love cats, too, and have had a truly evil one.
If a cat was the size of my greyhound, he would consider me food, not my companion. Like a cougar for example.
I was responding to one trying to use statistics of no cats mauling owners to death. It hardly makes the case that dogs are less trustworthy than cats.