But wishing for it does not make it happen. Im not at all clear how losing elections is helpful.I'm thinking there is a prevailing impression that a newly minted political party *MUST* win the presidency as soon as the party is declared, or it won't work.
Things I would ask folks to consider if they are against or afraid of a new party:
- Why does the new party have to be declared *right now*?
- Why does the Presidency have to be immediately won by the new party right off the bat?
- Ted Cruz is generally accepted as conservative, is it ok that he is a registered republican out of practical necessity (for now)?
- Would it be possible to keep picking off seats in congress with each election and, once the conservative congressional caucus reaches critical mass, *then* declare a new party?
- Could a conservative group in congress caucus with the GOP on most/common issues and vote against the GOP on line-in-the-sand issues? - Could a conservative congressional group subvert the Republican party from within? This would be my very last choice as I think the GOP is a tainted brand, but I'll take it if it's all I can get.
See where I'm headed here? I don't and will not support the GOP as a party. But I am capable of directly supporting individual conservative candidates who have to register as a republican (for now) out of practical necessity. Ultimately, I'd dearly love to see a new party formed some day. Much of that depends on more and more voters coming around to directly supporting conservative candidates.
In short, I personally see no need to formally declare a third party right this very moment. But there should be no problem for Republican candidates (like Cruz, etc) to start building the brand as a subset of the GOP until they are better positioned to declare a new party.
I agree with a lot you have stated since a third party doesn’t just develop overnight. Instead, we have so little time left where we can try to influence the RINOs in our mist.
I would add to your suggestions the following: GET INVOLVED!
Send a daily email/FAX/letter/phone call to Boehner and any other RINO who you think might enjoy receiving a daily message from you. Tell him what he’s doing wrong. (If you are blessed with a conservative representative, tell him what he’s doing right). Make it part of your daily routine.
When your representative (RINO kind) is in town, try to call his local office and arrange a meeting to see if he would like to discuss some of your ideas and improve his image with his constituents. I’m sure he will be too busy to meet with you (a little guy) but it’s the thought that counts.
Don’t give up yet, tell him you want to invite him to lunch or over for a game of golf. It has been known to work. Then cancel out if you can’t come through. Maybe tell them you have a conflict in your work schedule. I’m assuming you work for a living, right? If you’re retired like me, on fixed income, tell them the plumbing broke or something fell off the house.
If your representative (especially the RINO kind ) has called a townhall meeting, be sure to attend and find out what’s going on in Washington and get his perspective. Listen and ask hardball questions. If he is a RINO, give him a trick question or two. Introduce yourself and get to (really) know him. Shake his hand and checkout his grip and pulse. Notice how he looks you in the eye and how often he blinks. Observe how he breathes and smells. Then ask him if he has gotten your message(s). I’m sure he will enjoy meeting you in person. BEWARE: The more experienced and powerful the politician, expect the snow job to be slicker.
If you have a representative who never comes home (because he lives somewhere else) or never cares to meet with his constituents, then attend the Republican Party meeting in your area and find out what’s happening and who supports what and who. If everybody there is a RINO or a liberal, you must go undercover. Sit back and listen. Eat as much as you want. Tell them you’ll be back, then don’t.
I’ve made some statements in jest, but folk this is series (sp). It starts with you at the grass roots. These suggestions apply to your school boards, local elected officials, and state representatives as well. You must get involved in some way for change to happen. By getting involved, you can win conservative friends and influence other people, thin the herd of corrupt lying politicians, and have a better idea where the money comes and goes. Believe me, I have learned a lot after getting involved.
BTW I don’t see enough of the younger crowd at political gatherings in my area. It’s mostly retired people. It’s time we get some new blood in the conservative movement and encourage them to get involved.