White Privilege (WP) is everything and anything you do when you are white.
Got a job? WP.
Got a raise? WP.
Married, happy kids, with your own home? WP.
Did good in school? WP.
Not constantly angry, bitter, and depressed? WP.
In good health? WP.
You have absolutely no personal achievements; nothing for you to boast or be proud about. Everything and anything you got and/or is came about due to WP.
If that’s the definition of white privilege, then what we really need to talk about is “black privilege”, because a sizeable number of them live off the largesse of the work of others, not their own efforts-voila, black privilege. But it’s OK-when TSHTF, aware whites will know how to survive. Parasites only survive if the host remains alive and willing or forced to tolerate them.
I understand now.
“White Privilege (WP) is everything and anything you do when you are white.”
Or when one is black and conservative, then they are “acting white.”