I also hate to agree with JJ. Based on a son-in-law’s experience in a tech company, they don’t need to bring the foreign workers here on visas— easy enough to collaborate over the internet (thanks AlGore).
As an employer, I will disagree with you a bit: at some point, it’s necessary to have face-to-face meetings. Doesn’t matter if the other party is in Bangkok, you will have to have face-to-face meetings to maintain unit cohesion.
Nevertheless, Holder’s people aren’t applying for these tech jobs. Jesse is *really* stretching here. I was going to say that perhaps Jesse could be the first race pimp to write a line of code, but apparently Obama wrote a single line of Javascript already, so the title’s already taken.
You'd think some stuff can't be outsourced...but via the internet Indian Radiologist are being used to read x-rays in the US.