“I could never really understand it and argued with him about it.”
When you step back from it you can get a clear look at how it’s all the same.
That’s why I don’t always get the straight on hate from members of either party.
The Dems hated GWB but love Obama even tho they’re supporting pretty much the same agenda.
Repubs loved GWB, he was a big favorite here for a long time, and hate Obama even tho the agenda is basically the same.
It’s really more of a team sport mentality now than anything to do with policy.
Policy and agenda are not far off each other regardless of the party.
I remember back when GWB was in office and the GOP took both houses of congress, to hear the democrats talk you’d have thought that there would soon be a law against not being a Repub and that the constitution was about to be repealed. Fast forward to Obamas first term. Same hysteria except the sides have switched.
I vote on local matters because my vote really can make a difference there but there’s not any kabuki theater to that.
It’s not 2 sides that are essentially the same trying to appear as opposites and using mass media to whip their fan base into a froth.
If I want to see media induced irrational sports hate, I’ll watch the Yankees Red Sox games.