The operative part of that sentence is... if you knew your enemy could not counter attack?
The answer is Uncertainty. Will they all work? They all have to work or you take one hell of a hit as well.
One hell of a gamble there.
>>Yah, right. What would stop you from a first strike if you knew your enemy could not counter attack?
The operative part of that sentence is... if you knew your enemy could not counter attack?
The answer is Uncertainty. Will they all work? They all have to work or you take one hell of a hit as well.
One hell of a gamble there.
Those ABMs were a provocation against Russia’s initiative in starting the BRICS trading bloc as a flanking maneuver against the World Bank, IMF and other oligarch financial cabals that monopolize debt transactions and raw materials pricing and distribution. We need to study this video:
and come to a functional understanding of how too big to fail “monopoly capitalism” is but a heartbeat away from out and out fascism. Conservatives typically rubber stamp every play the parasitic financial aristocracy foists onto a gullible and ignorant public. Republicans used to be an anti-monarchist initiative. We need to stop sucking up to Wall St. Do some research on the Bush family and its connections to the CFR and Harriman/Rockefeller globalist financial interests. We need to stop being stupid on this. You think liberals are maleable and knee jerk. Look in a mirror.