Back to blame the victim mentality. Great.
Funny that I have never had the urge to rape any women no matter what they were wearing.
Conservative ideology makes people responsible for their actions, but now the problem is short skirts.
You rape and you get punished, not well, what did you expect, look how she’s dressed.
People need to take responsibility for their own actions, specifically behaviors that put themselves at risk.
If I go walk around Anacostia, DC, at 1am chances are excellent that I’m going to wind up dead. Sure, the thug who killed me is the murderer, but I’m still dead, and deserve a Darwin Award for doing something so incredibly stupid.
Good situational awareness and not taking stupid risks are lessons that I have, and will continue to, beat into the heads of my kids.
That's the whole point. Dressing like a porn star, getting falling down drunk at a bar, or frat house, and then pushing ALL the resposibility on to someone else to ensure you don't get raped is the anti-thesis to conservative actions and thoughts.
That doesn't take the culpability away from the rapist; it does spread it around to ALL the individuals responsible for the situation.
Not even close. Why is it considered "blaming the victim" to point out that certain behaviors increase the risk of becoming a victim, and to recommend that those behaviors should be changed to minimize that risk?
The fact is that for a young woman to dress in a manner intended to attract the sexual attention of men, go to a party filled with young men (who already aren't the best at impulse control) and then add alcohol to the mix places her at increased risk for a sexual encounter she may later regret. Now this may or may not constitute "sexual assault" - many of the incidents regarded as rape appear to be the result of regret of a drunken encounter rather than actual rape. But even in the case of an actual assault, to argue that the woman did not increase her risk by her behavior is ludicrous. That does not mitigate the seriousness of the crime or reduce the culpability of the perpetrator. It just recognizes a reality.