And the common laws, as related to the UK are the basis for the United States laws. The Ten Commandments were the basis for the UK common laws, and that is why it is so ironic, that now those Commandments in the USA are being banned, yet we kept the laws,some.
The laws of Hammurabi 10,000 BC, where it was ‘an eye for an eye’ preceded the Old Testament....and although included as penalties in some cases in the Bible, they have their foundation in the barbaric societies of earlier tribes. The Sharia that we see operating in the evil Islam societies.
Introduction to Criminal Justice is the study of not only case law in the US, but the history of our foundation of laws. The Constitution including the Bill of being destroyed by barbarian Marxists.
THANK YOU for the follow up on Lindt.
Your comments and POSTS have kept us informed, SALUTE!
The thing about the United States is that after you achieved independence, some of the great men who lead your nation at that time, decided that they needed to restate some of the principles of Common Law, and incorporated them into the Bill of Rights.
And in restating them, they went further than the Common Law did on a couple of issues, including on the right to bear arms.
The implementation of that law in England, and subsequently in Britain, and then in the Empire, was more limited by the text of the Bill of Rights of 1689:
That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law;
The religion bit is irrelevant now - but those last five words make a lot of difference. It allows laws to be made that restrict the right to bear arms without violating the Common Law.