This is the entire intent of the ACA... get people off of their employer provider plans and dependent on the government.... this isn’t an accident folks, this is the intent.
The destruction of job-based health insurance is the purpose of the ACA.
“Owners dont have to pay premiums, meaning they can give workers raises, invest in equipment or add to profits instead”
I think they will choose option #3.
I just love the magic “government subsidies” where “everybody can win”... Everybody but the people who have to pay for it all.
It really pisses me off!
I guess that's one way of putting it.
The big insurance companies and their banker shareholders win. Now middle and low income people are forced to buy high deductible, expensive insurance that they probably won’t use.
So, if a middle or lower class employee needs routine care, the deductible will be to high for the insurance to kick in; it will have no value. Then, if they get really sick, they will inevitably lose their job and stop paying their premiums. After that, they will be forced on Medicaid.
This is nothing less than fascist health care.
An admitted PITA of old health care was the annual sweat by owner/managers on the coming year’s health insurance. It generally boiled down in recent years to; 1) Keep the old policy but pay more - divided further into how to cover the added cost. 2) Look for cheaper policy at old rate - change in providers and deductibles and pre-existing conditions. 3) “We are dropping health insurance” - everyone is on their own.
When it is the government doing it, businessmen/women/transgendered/undecided ... leave it to that ever efficient government that gave us the Post Office, the IRS and the GAO to run at taxpayer AND ratepayer expense!
What can go wrong?
A “/s” would be totally superfluous here!
watchout, Doggies!
Note to employees - don’t get sick.