Posted on 12/13/2014 8:18:37 PM PST by MinorityRepublican
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee released new information on Thursday that he claims is evidence that the Bush administration misled the nation in the run-up to the war in Iraq.
In a speech on the Senate floor, retiring Sen. Carl Levin, a Democrat, outlined a 2003 CIA cable that warns George W. Bush administration officials against making references to claims that Mohammad Atta the man who led the Sept. 11 hijackers met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in the Czech Republic before the Sept. 11, 2011, attacks. Levin claims Bush officials used the unconfirmed meeting to link Iraq to Sept. 11 to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It’s still Bush’s fault !
Never trust the word of a Democrat.
The question is knowing what we know now, should we have invaded Iraq back in ‘03?
There might be a chance to slap this on JEB and cook his goose early.
Levin is the worstr kind of politician.
In the same class as Feinstein.
“Saddam Hussein MUST GO!!!” Thus spoke Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Senate floor. Could The World’s Smartest Woman and future Dominatrix-in -Chief have been MISLED??? /sarcasm;)
I don’t remember the Bush administration ever claiming a direct link between Iraq and 9/11, only that Iraq had given safe haven to known terrorists.
Saddam was a son of a bitch, no doubt in that. But a son of a bitch is what it took to keep Iraq under control. We’re seeing the similar thing with Syria right now, we should be helping Assad, another son of bitch, to get his handle in the land of the Levant.
*sigh* well, this is new, never heard this before... NOT
2011? What great journalistic integrity!
Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya.
That’s a mental picture I did not need!
Thanks so very much! {wiping screen with cleansing cloth.}
Bull Chit!!!
You fatuous Ass!!!
You are a co-conspirator then, you lyin, half wit and embarrassing fraud.
To wit, your statement of support for “Regime Change” in 1998 and your friggin signature is all over this.
Mar. 12, 1998, written statement by Carl LEVIN:
I want to express my support for President Clinton, in consultation with Congress and consistent with the United States Constitution and laws, taking necessary and appropriate actions to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraqs refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.
Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction...and the means to deliver them are a menace to international peace and security. They pose a threat to Iraqs neighbors, to U.S. forces in the Gulf region, to the worlds energy supplies, and to the integrity and credibility of the United Nations Security Council.
Helping Assad is helping Iran. As well as working against Israel.
But don’t worry; Russia is helping both.
Funny thing...when I see the MSM and Dems start hauling out “torture trials” and what Bush did wrong...
It makes me wonder why?
Benghazi? Fast and Furious? IRS?
John Kerry supported war against Iraq dating back to 1998.
This dog won’t hunt.
Misled my ***.
Saddam had repeatedly violated the peace agreements (he sought prohibited weapons, consider a felon on parole trying to acquire a gun; he refused weapons inspections...) and funded foreign terrorism (against Israel and elsewhere).
There were - by my count - 23 “whereas” clauses in the Iraq War resolution, only one of which - number 10 - made any reference to 9/11. It did NOT claim that Iraq was involved in the planning of 9/11, only that some members of al Qaeda were - at the time of the resolution - finding safe haven in Iraq. It is a flat-out lie that the Bush administration used claims that Iraq was involved in the planning of 9/11 as a primary justification for the war.
ISIS has already flaunted some of Saddam’s WMD.
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