“You know what, something worthwhile has always been obtainable from God.”
I’ve got no beef with God. I love God.
Yet, God doesn’t care if I am married or not, in fact it’s preferable to Him that I’m chaste. If society wants me to get married and toe that line, then I need to see that there is some worthwhile reason for me to do so.
“If you go hunting around in world you are going to find the world variety of person. If it is godly you want then go where godly people go.”
Surely, but you’re still taking a leap of faith with anyone, no matter how godly they seem. I can’t see into their souls or predict the future. So I want assurances of commitment which simply don’t exist in this society anymore. Until they do, I can’t see why the risk is worthwhile.
You do?
God cares yet. “Be fruitful and multiply” was never rescinded; and as this society suicides itself in a twisted liberal “celibacy” born not even of mission but of frustration, it is a godly thing to illustrate the right way to do things when you can.
You can X-ray a soul pretty good over a fair period of time by seeing how they react to some pretty basic theological matters, not just as academic questions, but in how they live their lives. It requires paying attention, however. Something that many are not willing to do today.
If Christ is there today, Christ will also be there tomorrow.