Its working for the UKIP party. If we create a 3rd party, it will quickly become the 2nd party. Think Reagan landslide. A new conservative party would attract some democrats and libertarians as well. The RINOS would have to join as a minority or move to the dem party where they belong.
Right now the republican party still has some conservative support because its the only game in town. They count on a lot of people holding their nose and voting every time while ignoring the fact that millions stay home and don’t vote as a protest. A new party would bring these angry protest non voters out of the shadows. Mark Levin already stated that he would go third party if the RINOs renege.
Furthermore, I believe we can appeal to those blacks and Hispanics that haven't been completely emasculated by the nanny state.
At some point blacks have got to wake up to the fact that they've been played and we should point out to the Hispanics that what blacks are going thru now is exactly what's waiting for them.