i think any drug product that has no medicinal value to it at all, that creates an instant addiction to it the first time it’s used, and destroys a person’s health, i have no problems with government - ie all of us/society, voting whatever restrictions on that product we deem appropriate.
all the hard street drugs, coke, crack, meth, someone mentioned krodokil, i have no problems with them being classified illegal. they have no redeeming qualites any way you view them.
i already mentioned prior pot in certain forms has medicinal properties that should be explored and evaluated for those purposes.
we are already seeing the results of recreational legalization of pot and the negative results are hardly unexpected. but perhaps you don’t mind the increase in negatie consequences that prove potheads don’t just harm themselves but inevitably harn others because they don’t live in confined cages under total isolation from the rest of us.
you tossed out the prior lame argument that thers do harmful actions to other when not on drugs. the essence of the products they take are the big factor that screws up the drug person’s brain into doing sh1t they wouldn’t normally do on the damn drug. but you don’t seem to get that. why give people access to drugs we know screw up sensory perception and the decision-making governors in their heads, just because all they give ash1t about is how good they want to feel, and screw everyone else?