Well, here’s the map of the City of Detroit:
Here’s the list of 880 stores listed with YP as “grocery stores” with Detroit, MI addresses:
It’s pretty easy to see whether they’re in the City of Detroit or not.
Apparently, there’s some truth to both viewpoints. The article I recall, unlike the one below, was concentrating on chains that had moved out of Detroit, including a long list of companies that had started there. The article talked about the tax issue, which figures in the article below as “abatements” in exchange for being there. The entire debacle of companies and jobs leaving was started by the excessive taxation. Add the general lawlessness and gang nature of the remaining inhabitants and it’s an unpleasant environment. I worked for a company based in Sterling Heights, which is up the road a few miles from Detroit. We were instructed to stay out of Detroit proper and to leave maneuver distance in front of you at stoplights in case somebody tried to car jack you.
I did drive through the city and the main streets feature boarded up building after building. There was a spectacular cathedral all boarded up. In places the city resembles photos of Berlin after the war.