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Civil Disobedience in Ferguson Was Planned and Choreographed Beforehand,
Rush ^ | November 26, 2014 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 11/26/2014 3:14:55 PM PST by Kaslin


RUSH: I tried yesterday to make a point about this business in Ferguson, and I did not spend enough time actually thinking about how I wanted to say it in order to be the most clearly communicable and understood. The artificiality of this, and I do mean artificiality. These were not riots. These were planned, staged, predicted, counted on incidents of civil disobedience.

This was not a riot. This did not happen spontaneously. It did not happen because of something that happened unexpectedly that caused people to lose their mind. They planned it. It was a strategic plan, and the media fell right in line, predicting it, and counting down to it and heightening tensions. And so when it happens, it was expected, and therefore it can't be a riot. The fact that it was expected and still happened, what does it say about the civility of our culture? What does it say about the overall civilization that we have?

Something about this has just not seemed right to me and I haven't been able to put my finger on it. But it's the same way I felt in the days leading up to the Obama announcement on amnesty, the executive amnesty for the five million illegals. Here we were told what was gonna happen and the media, in the pre-days and hours leading up to the event, heightened the tension, the anticipation. We had a countdown to an event we all knew was coming, and that was the Constitution being violated.

When you get right down to it, that's what the event was. And it seemed, even though it happened and we knew it was gonna happen, it just seemed surreal. Everything seemed to happen on a media schedule, on a media timetable. Everything seemed to happen because of the media.

In other words, it was real, and what Obama did was real, there's no question about that. But the same thing here in Ferguson. We knew the grand jury was gonna have a report at some point and we knew that no matter what that grand jury report was, there was gonna be a riot. So we all sat down and we expected and waited for it. And the only question was how big was it gonna be, as though now it's just common. We sit by, almost idly, and accept the idea that we're going to have civil unrest, civil disobedience, call it a riot if you want, and that it is justified and we'd better try to understand it. It's now part of the American fabric, instead of being something spontaneous that is an actual reaction to something.

This riot was planned. It was gonna happen no matter what. How bad it was gonna be was the only thing unknown. The actions of the authorities to stop it or not stop it, that was an unknown, but we knew it was gonna happen. Rodney King was not like this, for example. The Watts riots in the sixties were not like this. Trayvon Martin was not like this. This has all been staged. I'm not saying conspiratorially. I'm not saying the Wizard of Oz is behind the screen, behind the curtain pulling marionette type strings on puppets and this kind of thing. It's just that there are now certain destructive aspects of the American culture, civilization, that we have just accepted. We have resigned ourselves to the fact that they're gonna happen, in a way, legitimizes them, is the problem here.

And the way the media focuses attention on and counts down, builds the anticipation. And the media leading up to it was not, "Will there or won't there be a riot?" There was no question there was going to be a riot. The only question was, how bad. And here come the experts predicting the degree of badness of the riot based on whatever the grand jury said. And while it happened, I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm not saying it isn't real, but at the same time there was nothing spontaneous about this. It was orchestrated. It was planned. It was going to happen no matter what.

It was going to happen independent of events. We knew the trigger. All we had to do was wait for the trigger. That was the grand jury decision and the report and the announcement, and that was it, and we all knew what was gonna happen. It's almost as though we've come to expect it, and in a way it's therefore justified, justifiable. I don't know, folks. I can't put my finger on this. And again, I'm not alleging conspiracy. Don't misunderstand. I wish I could find a way to -- my problem here is I have feelings about this, and I'm not good at describing the feelings I've got. I'm trying to turn the feelings, convert them into thoughts, which is what I rely on.

There's something about it that, even though it happened and even though I saw it and even though it was real, there's something about it that seems illegitimate to me. (interruption) Well, it was a stunt. It was preventable. But nobody made any effort to stop it. That's another thing about this that kind of troubles me in the deep, dark crevices of my mind, is this acceptance, okay, it's gonna happen, it's justified, whatever, there was no effort to stop it. The president didn't even make an effort. The president fed the rage when he had his 20-minute little speech, when he was split screened with the riots.

There's a story out there today, by the way, that that split screen shot is gonna haunt Obama for the rest of his -- who in the world believes that? How in the world is that gonna haunt Obama? If anybody thinks that that split screen TV shot, here's Obama on one half of the screen supposedly railing against riots and trying to ask for calm, which is not what he really did. On the other half of the screen is Ferguson burning and people I guess cannot give up the traditional way of looking at politics and political figures in this country.

If that would have been George W. Bush or George H. W. Bush, maybe even Clinton, it might be something that would haunt. But what was happening on the screen was not something that troubles Obama. There's no way that he could be haunted by this. Haunted by it means it's harmful. Haunted by it means he has no credibility. Well, there he is out demanding and asking for calm and right next to him on the other side of the screen is Ferguson in flames. That's not gonna be a problem for Barack Obama. A, he's not responsible for it. B, he wishes it didn't happen; but, C, his call for calm was perfunctory.

But even without all of that, that split screen image you could practically do that every day with some sector of life in this country in chaos and say that's gonna haunt Obama. I mean, why isn't Fast and Furious gonna haunt him? Why isn't Benghazi? I mean, those things are not gonna haunt. Why isn't using the IRS against the Tea Party, why is that not gonna haunt him? Why is violating the Constitution not gonna haunt Obama? None of this is gonna haunt Obama because it's all working, from his standpoint. All of these are elements of his "success" story in terms of his ultimate agenda of transforming the country.


RUSH: Look, let me clarify something. When I say, "There's no conspiracy," of course there is conspiracy between all of the groups that were organizing to protest in Ferguson and all over the country. Of course that was a conspiracy. What I'm trying to say was that there was not a conspiracy between all of this and the timing of the grand jury announcement and what the grand jury announcement was gonna be. I'm trying to make a really, really fine point here and I'm not doing it. I haven't gotten there yet.

I'm talking about fake versus real, artificial versus substance -- and a lot of this is not real. Politics. People think politics is about the way things are, and it isn't. Politics is about the way things appear. And that's one of the things that bothers me the most. What's happening in our... Look at this Darren Wilson interview, the cop. Do you realize that to whatever group of people we're talking about on the other side, it doesn't matter a hill of beans what the facts are? The truth and what is real doesn't matter.

There's no way you can convince them. There's no way you can convince them to care about the truth and what is real. It doesn't matter. It's a pointless effort. And to me -- the mayor of Realville and somebody consumed and obsessed by the idea of getting truth out and having people understand it and act on it and believe it and behave according to it -- it's really frustrating to know that, to a large segment of this country, none of that matters. They don't care what the truth is.

The agenda is all it is. The appearance, the fake, whatever it takes in order to advance the agenda.

I'm telling you, it's destructive. Liberalism is a poison that is rotting this country, every element of it where it is dominant or growing.


RUSH: Let me try this another way. I'm sitting down, Kathryn and I, in front of the TV on whatever the night the grand jury announcement happened. This is Wednesday, so it must have been Monday. The days run together in a short week, I get confused. Whatever night it was. And we turned on Fox at nine o'clock, and we're expecting the announcement at nine o'clock, and by 9:20 there's no announcement. No, we tuned in at eight o'clock thinking the announcement was -- we were off by an hour.

Anyway, the announcement finally came, and I looked at Kathryn, I said, "Listen to all these people on TV. They're just vamping and filling time and they're just trying to flap their gums until the real news is made." The whole thing, to me, made me feel like I was watching a scripted event. Now, one of the allures supposedly of reality TV is that it's real, that there isn't a script. That's why audiences really like it, like The Real Housewives of whatever, or whatever reality TV show. But let me tell you, there is no such thing as improvisation or reality TV. It's all scripted.

The only difference in reality TV and other TV is that the writers in reality TV are not members of unions, and that's it. The whole thing feels like a scripted event that I know in advance the outcome. And, therefore, it isn't news. And none of it was spontaneous. We tuned in all knowing what was gonna happen. We tuned in expecting what was going to happen. There was not any thought given by anybody to stopping it. And what happened? Sheer barbarism. People's businesses were destroyed. That's real. Real live bullets were fired at people. Real live Molotov cocktails were used.

A woman who saved up everything because her hobby, her passion in life is baking cakes, and she's black, and she has a place in I think a little strip mall or some street in Ferguson near where all this happened. It was totally destroyed. She had nothing to do with any of this. She was in tears the next day. From her own neighborhood, people from her own neighborhood and who knows where else, showed up and destroyed her little cake shop.

Now, there's a great campaign on to refund and donate to her to rebuild, and she's collected, I think before the program started, over 70 grand and she's happy as she can be, and thank God for that. But everybody knew this was gonna happen, maybe not that specific thing, but everybody knew it, the governor knew it. Where was the National Guard? The governor knew it. Every law enforcement official knew what was gonna happen. There was no effort to stop it. The only thing that we speculated about was how bad was this gonna be, how big was it gonna be, and we all tuned in to see that.

We all tuned in to see how bad the destruction, how big the flames, how chaotic. There wasn't an effort made to stop it. We were witnesses to barbarism, scripted barbarism that was designed to tear apart the fabric of an American community, and we sat and watched. And we had pre-advance knowledge. They could have put the listings in TV Guide. Your DVR could have scheduled this because that's how much in advance we knew it was gonna happen. Just like any other scheduled television show, which is what this was, except it's not.

Lives were at risk. People's businesses were destroyed. Barbarism was on display. All-out assaults on the American culture and civilization were taking place. And there was no effort to stop it. None, nowhere. The governor of Missouri, in preparing the state, made it look like it was London in World War II on the eve of the German blitz. That's the degree to which he made preparations.

And then for some reason the National Guard was not deployed, and we were told that, well, maybe Obama called on the governor, fellow Democrats, "Keep the Guard out of this. I don't want militarized pictures during my Regime. I want to do what I want to do without anybody figuring it out with the pictures, so keep the Guard out of there." Who knows. But we're left to speculate.

But there wasn't any effort to stop it. And then the next day we got questions on television, which should be absurd, but instead they were legitimate: "Did authorities let Ferguson burn?" It was a legitimate question, sadly. "Did authorities let Ferguson burn?" Why? There was no effort to stop it. When the Rodney King riots, the Watts riots of the sixties, when those things started, there were efforts to stop them. I mean, they played out to a certain point, and I don't know if you could call 'em great TV or what have you, and they were structured and planned and so forth. Again, nothing is brand-new in 2014. Everything has a precedent. But this is destructive in ways way beyond the riot itself.

This is destructive in ways way beyond the damage to Ferguson, Missouri. This is destructive because there are a lot of casualties here. Truth, reality, fact, all casualties. None of that mattered. None of it matters today to a significant portion of the population, which is hell-bent on tearing down the modern-day order. And nobody appears to be willing or knowledgeable enough or whatever to stop it. Instead, it becomes a television show, a scripted television show. There was not even a cliffhanger. We knew who shot J.R. before watching the episode.

The whole thing, I don't know, folks, it just seems we're being manipulated in ways that we haven't been before. We are really being manipulated by a media complex, in its association with the American left and the Democrat Party, and I think I'm instinctively reacting and objecting to and pushing back against that manipulation and saying, "I'm not gonna fall for it. You're not gonna get me. I am not gonna be manipulated by it. I'm not gonna get emotionally caught up in this because I know that what I'm seeing on TV is not what this is really all about."

And that's the bottom line. None of this is really, when you get down to brass tacks, you strip all this away, this is not about the grand jury. It's not about Darren Wilson. It's not even about the Gentle Giant. It's about entirely different things that they don't show you, that you don't see. And it's the ease with which people are being manipulated and the ease with which people are falling for it, to me, is a problem, and it's very troublesome. I look all of this, and I think I understand the purpose of it. I don't "think" I know; I know what the ultimate objective to all this is. You know what it is?

At the end of all this, the real objective is to make you think that it's ludicrous and ridiculous to oppose any of this or speak out against it 'cause you can't stop it. The grievances are too real. The country is too unjust. The country is illegitimate and immoral, and it's taken 250 years for this to come to light. But you'd better learn to accept that, and you'd better learn to accept that if you've been on the wrong side, i.e., in the majority in this country since it was founded, your day is coming. That's what this is about. And all of these events are just steps taken in that direction.

I mean, listen to Obama and his speech in Chicago. Here's the Breitbart story: "Obama Lectures America About the Justified Anger Towards Law Enforcement in Minority Communities -- Tuesday at Copernicus Community Center in Chicago, IL, President Barack Obama addressed the riots and protests going on throughout the country in reaction to the grand jury announcement that Ferguson police officer," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And that's just BS. What he did was he went before a black audience, and this is what he said. "A grand jury made a decision yesterday that upset a lot of people. And as I said last night, the frustrations that we have seen, are not just about a particular incident." So, you see, it's not just about that.

And, by the way, the grand jury decision upset a lot of people, they're justified being upset. Not because this decision might have been wrong, but because of all the previous ones where people got screwed. You have to understand. We have to step back and understand what happened, those businesses being destroyed, that barbarism, we had better understand that it is legitimate, because a lot of people were upset. Maybe this decision, the grand jury got it right, but that doesn't erase all the wrongs that happened before it which still breed all kinds of frustration.

"As I said last night, the frustrations that we have seen, are not just about a particular incident." See, it's about a lot of stuff that came before this. "They have deep roots in many communities of color," the frustrations do, "who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforced uniformly or fairly." In other words, even though the facts of the Brown case do not support any claims of an unjust shooting, the anger over all the previous injustices is enough to legitimize the anger this week in Ferguson.

And that's the problem, folks. There's no reason for feeling screwed. There's no reason, the facts of this case do not support any claims that the shooting was unjust. "Okay, fine. Well, what about last year? What about Trayvon Martin? What about OJ?" And on and on and on. What about Emmett Till? And it never ends. So this incident is used to justify and permit all of this barbarism, not based on what happened this week, but all of the years prior, about which nothing can be done now, see. The events in the years prior, they're over and done with, and they have deep roots in many communities of color, who have a sense that our laws are not always being endorsed uniformly or fairly. Even though they might in this case, that doesn't erase what happened in years past.

Like the Trayvon Martin case, in fact, which ended up not being supported by the facts either. But that doesn't matter. The facts of the Trayvon case have been forgotten just as the facts here will be forgotten. The news media's early lies will be remembered. The Duke lacrosse case is a case is reverse. If anybody ought to be mad about anything and an injustice and so forth, look at that case. But were there riots? Was there barbarism? Was there any kinds of acts of destruction that took place over that injustice?

No, sir, no, ma'am, there were not. And that was a gross miscarriage of justice. But, you see, that was also justified because, well, they're white and they played lacrosse? Come on. That means they're rich. Come on, even if these guys didn't do it, you know they wanted to. Even if these guys didn't, you know it's happened before. So these guys pay the price, except they didn't.

So all of this adds up to this country has a lot to account for, it has a lot of prices to pay, it has a lot of forgiveness, it has a lot to make up for, and you better just get used to it. And they're getting so accustomed to it now they're writing a script of all these events in advance. We know what's gonna happen. Nobody tries to stop it because everybody, "Yeah, you know, we do kind of suck. Yeah, we were kind of bad back then. Yeah, I guess we do kind of justify this. We deserve this."


RUSH: I finally want to get to the point I'm trying to make here about how we're being manipulated, set up, and staged. We're watching scripted events portrayed to us as real and really what I think I'm getting at, I know it will never happen, but if you want to reduce some of the incidents of this stuff, get the cameras out of there. Get the cameras out of there. Get the media out of there. In a real protest, in a real riot, the media doesn't know it's gonna happen before it starts. They show up afterwards.

Everything that happens is real. But when you have a riot that everybody knows is coming and you've got the cameras and you've got the journalists and you've got blithering idiots like Don Lemon -- do you realize what he did yesterday? He inadvertently tear gassed himself. Putting on his mask he ended up tear gassing himself. There's a piece in the New York Daily News -- I hope CNN doesn't get rid of him because we love Don Lemon. We need him here. But there's a really, really critical piece of Don Lemon, a media review in the New York Daily News today, about how out to lunch he is. They even mention he's the guy that asked the transportation official could a black hole have swallowed up the Malaysian airliner.

But, at any rate, you get the cameras out of there, you get the script writers out of there, get the media out of there, who knows what would have happened; that's the point. But we knew it's gonna happen, cameras show up, and it just makes what happens after, I'm sorry, unreal. Even though it was real, this is where it becomes a real challenge to communicate what I'm really talking about here, but if the cameras are not there -- now, in this case it probably would have worked the other way. If the cameras weren't there, the media not being there, the protestors would have torched even more to get 'em to show up. I understand that.

But when you've got an event that everybody knows is gonna happen, you take the cameras out there, it's not real, folks, when it's all done for the cameras. And that's the point, all this is done for the media. Michael Brown was not shot because he's black. Trayvon Martin did not die because he's black. Now, you can't convince anybody else of this on the other side. If they accept that, then everything they're doing is illegitimate, and they're not going to agree with that point.

So the whole thing is unreal. The whole thing is not based on reality. Everything is a set up. We're being manipulated to participate in it and we're told that what we're watching is real, but you get the cameras out of there, you get the media out of there and stop all the prepub, same thing might have happened, but I'm telling you it would have felt different, it would have had a whole different set of consequences to it.


TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: ferguson; fergusonmayhem; fergusonriots; limbaugh; missouri; rush; rushlive; rushtranscript
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To: Kaslin

If the blacks hate “God Damn America” so much why don’t we give them free rides back to Africa on the empty airplanes that are returning for more ebola patients.

41 posted on 11/26/2014 6:44:08 PM PST by jacob allen
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To: Kaslin

This wasn’t civil disobedience. Nothing about civil disobedience is violent. This was pure violent criminality. Unfortunately nanny state shills are going to try to lump it all together.

42 posted on 11/26/2014 7:24:48 PM PST by RKBA Democrat (No flatscreens, no peace!)
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To: justiceseeker93

There were some deaths but the msm refuse to report them as related. One, the eye witness friend of Johnson’s who had a bullet through his head. The big news outlets took a day or two before publishing his name and then failed to say exactly who he was and why he was killed. Gotta stick to the script.

43 posted on 11/27/2014 4:52:51 AM PST by bgill (CDC site, "we still do not know exactly how people are infected with Ebola")
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To: Northern Yankee

“These people are bent on destruction and dissent. Facts don’t matter any more.”

The revolution is right on schedule comradre.


44 posted on 11/27/2014 4:53:09 AM PST by ripley
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To: justiceseeker93
To use "civil disobedience" to describe Ferguson is unfortunate

Spot on.

45 posted on 11/27/2014 4:58:43 AM PST by don-o (He will not share His glory and He will NOT be mocked! Blessed be the name of the Lord forever!)
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