I live in a small town in Alaska. We are not tree huggers up here. The entire economy of the region is based on commercial fishing. No fish=no jobs. Period. In addition to the commercial aspects, most Alaskans rely to some degree or other on subsistence fishing to feed their families. The Pebble mine is overwhelmingly opposed by the people who actually live here. This is a classic case of government willing to destroy the local economy and way of life to enrich well connected business interests.
Wild caught salmon already retails for over twenty dollars a pound. Any damage to the Alaskan salmon runs would cause prices to skyrocket not only on salmon but also on halibut, pollock, shrimp and other commercial species. The Pebble mine would certainly cause huge damage to the fisheries, cost tens of thousands of jobs, put countless small outfits to go under and put substantial upward pressure on the already high cost of living in Alaska. It could wipe out whole towns that depend on the sea for their livelyhood. All for the sake of enriching the already rich.
My Alaskan family and friends say the same thing. Fish over mining...cuz fishing is what drives the economies of many of the local Alaskan villages/communities.
These folks are anything but liberal tree huggers. But they all want to protect the water and wildlife areas so they can continue to fish...for profit and for sustenance.
Salmon and the other fish are more valuable and self-sustaining.
The mine and mining jobs last for a few moments in time...
Sir, I spent a good part of my 2014 summer on the Yukon (in Canada) and this summer I will spend 3-4 months between Eagle and Emmonak. I’m in a 21’ Duckworth not a Kayak as I am by myself.
I do this because I love all things Alaska even though I live in Texas. So, the Pebble mine concerns me but I’ve fought the EPA and environmentalists for 40 plus years as a developer in Central Texas. I endured 3 jury trials on one silly issue just several years back. The jury (liberals all) ruled in my favor all 3 times so the City finally gave up. So, bottom line, for good reason, I do not believe anything the EPA says or any environmental group.
So, coming back down to earth, I do see things that do bother me like 104 miles of roads just to get stuff to and from the mine.
So, my couple questions of you are: What mineral is being mined? Who is paying for 104 miles of road? Are the roads really necessary....meaning can the mine function some other way? Who indeed IS the legal owner of the mine? Is there a trust fund being discussed to restore the damage (eyesore in pristine area) done by the mine when it inevitably closes? Will the minerals be taxed locally? If so how much? Is the 104 mile long road going to be permitted for use by the public?
Any truth to the rumor, the SKY IS FALLING????
"Wild caught salmon already retails for over twenty dollars a pound."
That (the quoted price of salmon) and $2.75 will get you a ride on the New York Subway.
Please do make sure to update the people @ "http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=fish," obviously they haven't been dazzled by your brilliance, {I call Bravo Sierra} or in this case the lack their of.