It’s what she does. They tried to get her to sweep streets, but she f@#$ed it up and got fired.
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
Strikes me as an unnecessary argument. Israel's declaration of Independence is clear
ACCORDINGLY WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S COUNCIL, REPRESENTATIVES OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF ERETZ-ISRAEL AND OF THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT, ARE HERE ASSEMBLED ON THE DAY OF THE TERMINATION OF THE BRITISH MANDATE OVER ERETZ-ISRAEL AND, BY VIRTUE OF OUR NATURAL AND HISTORIC RIGHT AND ON THE STRENGTH OF THE RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, HEREBY DECLARE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A JEWISH STATE IN ERETZ-ISRAEL, TO BE KNOWN AS THE STATE OF ISRAEL.WE DECLARE that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate being tonight, the eve of Sabbath, the 6th Iyar, 5708 (15th May, 1948), until the establishment of the elected, regular authorities of the State in accordance with the Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948, the People's Council shall act as a Provisional Council of State, and its executive organ, the People's Administration, shall be the Provisional Government of the Jewish State, to be called "Israel".
Interestingly the word Jewish appears in each of the ten paragraphs. And as I've noted before, the international movement from the Balfour Declaration to the Mandate to it's culmination in 1948 was clearly for the purpose of creating a Jewish state.
Of course this will no more convince Arabs and Israel haters any more that you can convince militant athiests and liberals that America is a Christian nation, protecting rights given by our creator.