Be it enacted: 90 days from today, any alien within the United States who does not have a permanent resident card, a visa, or whose visa is expired, shall be deported to his place of origin.
In order to implement this legislation in an appropriate time period, the President is directed to use the US Army and Marine Corps to open a rail corridor into Mexico with a point of debarkation at least 200 miles from the nearest US frontier point, and to secure said corridor and point of debarkation using all necessary force. Ten days after the military operation is completed, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to designate alien collection and marshaling points and to commandeer sufficient law enforcement and rail transportation resources to effect the removal of up to twenty million persons within 90 days.
For the purposes of this legislation, the Posse Comitatus Act shall not apply to individuals not in possession of a birth certificate, baptismal record, or passport sufficient to demonstrate US citizenship. Any individuals who are US citizens by birth and who are over the age of fourteen may choose to remain if other family members are being deported, however, all US citizens whose alien parents are being deported and who are aged thirteen or younger must accompany their parents. They are granted the right to return on or after their fourteenth birthday.
When the removal operation is completed, the US military may withdraw from Mexico, except they will hold a strip of land twenty miles deep on the Mexican side of the frontier and deny movement within said zone to any unauthorized persons.
Thirty days after the removal operation is completed, any person employing a person who is not a US citizen or a US permanent resident shall upon conviction pay a fine of $50 000 per offense and be imprisoned for a term of years not less than ten.
Why can’t the Congress just pass bills now and not even consider at all Obama’s veto as meaning anything at all since Congressional authority means nothing to him? They hold the purse just do it!