“Because this arctic thingy were freezing through seems unnatural to the max.”
It’s happened before, but now the weather people act like it’s a crisis and unusual. I’ve noticed that every thunderstorm is an emergency with lots of warnings.
The first polar vortex was described by weather scientists in the mid-1800’s.
The media is totally geared toward hyping any slightly out of norm weather event, with the hope that people will attribute it to climate change, and beg for government intervention of some type.
We have one decent weather guy in town, last night he said “yes it’s a cold spell but all these forecast temps are not near historical record numbers, it’s just a cold spell.
Yes, thanks, there is the science, but try explaining that to my CAT who won’t set paw outside in this weather. As far as he’s concerned, it’s all my fault, and I’m pointing to the Chinese, who, btw, eat cats.
I've noticed that too. What years ago would be a weather advisory is now an emergency. We get 'em all here where I live; thunderstorms, flash floods, blizzards, etc., you know, just normal weather, but to the Nat'l Weather Service they are all an emergency of some type as though it has never happened before.
“The first polar vortex was described by weather scientists in the mid-1800s.”
It always used to called winter.