Even if Republicans control the Congress and the WH in 2016 this will not be undone.
There are possibly 30 million or more illegals in the US now. They will be eligible to work legally and to collect welfare, to bring in family members.
Every female will drop an anchor baby or fraudulently appear do so and they will never be sent home.
Legal complexities will allow anyone to stay for years or forever.
There will be a human tidal wave over the borders, not only from Mexico and Central America but also from every 3rd world country on earth.
Every jihadi government and terrorist entity will be sending families here the day after amnesty.
This is nothing less than an in your face attack on America.
Of course, you understand that the [insert abusive, lying epithet here]-ist scum who parade themselves as the People of the United States deserve to lose their country, their name, and their history, because, well, you know. And if you don’t know, you certainly don’t deserve an explanation. (/evil)