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Hillary: "Don't Let Anybody Tell You That It's Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs!" ^ | October 27, 2014 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 11/01/2014 7:53:33 AM PDT by Son House

This is how deranged and filled with lunatics the Democrat Party base is. She's saying that, and the fact that she said that tells me how afraid of Elizabeth Warren she is. Elizabeth Warren's been running around. You know her pet phrase (imitating Warren), "You didn't build that, Mr. Factory Owner. You didn't build that, Mr. Business Owner. You didn't do that. You couldn't have done that without all of us. We paid the taxes to build the roads. We paid the taxes to build the bridges. We made your business possible. You didn't build that."

And Obama echoed it. We start laughing at it, thinking, "Nobody's gonna buy this. It's asinine." But the Democrat Party base not only buys it, they want to hear it. And there have been rumblings about Elizabeth Warren seeking the White House, and that's laughable, too, except to them. The Democrat Party base is all jazzed about it. The fact that Hillary's out there now pointing out that businesses don't create jobs, that trickle-down doesn't work, and we've proven it? I mean, if it weren't for trickle-down, her husband would not have had a roaring economy in the 1990s. But that's not the point.

I don't want to get distracted here by debating the point of trickle-down (because it works and all this) and that businesses don't create jobs. She's just saying this. This is the thing that everybody here has to know. That's what her base is demanding to hear. They want confrontation. They are filled with rage. They are filled with hatred. This is the kind of crap that happened all during the Iraq war, these kindss of inane, asinine, genuinely stupid statements and claims that their base rabidly -- and I mean that literally -- rabidly embraces and supports and demands to hear all the time. They are really demoralized, the Democrat Party base. Profoundly demoralized.

Look, if you were in that base, you would be, too. You just got your nirvana six years ago. You got your messiah. You got Obama elected, and he's implemented a lot of what you believe in -- and the country's falling apart, and there's no happiness. There's no joy in Mudville or anywhere else. There aren't any jobs. There is no equality. We've got racial strife in the NFL. We got wife beating in the NFL. We got "not black enough" in a league that's 80% black in the NFL. There's no joy anywhere.

You would be, too, if everything you believed in was allowed to happen, permitted to happen for six straight years and a mess ensued? How many times are they gonna say, "Yeah, well, you know, we just didn't have enough money. Yeah, well, you know, we just didn't have the right guy." You couldn't get a better right guy than Obama. Right? He was a messiah! He was the one we were all waiting for. "We're the ones..." I mean, so they're sitting out there in alternate states of denial, rage, anger. So Mrs. Clinton -- and the reason I think this is important... Maybe I'm whistling in the dark here, but the Republican Party's the competitor.

The Republican Party's gonna be running against Hillary or Elizabeth Warren or whoever gets that nomination, and this... (interruption) Well, yeah, they're gonna be the other team on the ballot. Let's not split hairs here. My point is, it would serve them well to understand what they're up against. That is my only point. Don't believe that Hillary really thinks businesses don't create jobs. She knows it's not true. Look at all the jobs Whitewater created. Look at all the jobs probably the FBI files that she and her husband purloined and had for all those years. Look at all the jobs Monica Lewinsky got. Don't tell me that businesses don't create jobs. She knows they do. Her husband knows that they do. But she has to say that. She has to.

That's the kind of people voting for Democrats. That's what we're up against. And I just think all information helps when you get into a campaign knowing who it is that you are opposing.


RUSH: Let's go to Mrs. Clinton's audio sound bite. Where was she yesterday? It's a campaign event for Martha Coakley in Massachusetts. It's not coincidental that she says this in Massachusetts. That's where Elizabeth Warren is from, and Elizabeth Warren is being touted -- I kid you not -- by a bunch of people on the left as the successor to Obama, and they love her for one reason: "You didn't build that." You cannot cream capitalism in one sentence better than Elizabeth Warren and Hillary have tried to do here.

(summarized) "Mr. Factory Owner, Mr. Business Owner, you didn't build it. We built it for you. You're just greedy. You're just selfish -- and you're unfairly successful, and you're unfairly rich -- because it was sweat and toil and taxes at work of all of the little people that made it possible for you. And are you sharing it? No! Are you giving it back? No! Are you paying fair wages? No! You didn't build that."

That's what the Democrat base just can't get enough of. So Hillary goes in to campaign for Martha Coakley running for governor in Massachusetts. Here's just a portion. This is the money part of what she said.

HILLARY: Don't let anybody tell you that, you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried. That has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly. You know, one of the things my husband says when people say, "Well, you know, what did you bring to Washington?" He said, "Well, I brought arithmetic."

RUSH: Now, I may be on a limb here. You may disagree. She may really believe it. I don't think she does. There's no way. I mean, this is so asinine. If businesses don't create jobs, corporations, then who does? I mean, if you work for GE, who do you work for? If you work the EIB Network, who do you work for? I mean, the government didn't create these jobs. But, again, this is what Democrat voters consider red meat. They want their hate massaged. They want their rage-filled hate for successful people fed. And Mrs. Clinton is more than -- you should see the video of this. She intended to say it. This is not a gaffe. This is not a slip-up.

She's rubbing her hands together leading up to this line. She can't wait to deliver this line. And I guarantee you that the Elizabeth Warren, "You didn't build that" is a factor in this. But it's so asinine. The bit about trickle-down? That is an attack on Reaganomics. "You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried. That has failed." No, it worked overwhelmingly. It's called capitalism, and it works every time it's tried. But you know what this gets to? I have been talking in the past month or so about trying to explain how it is that people can live through robust, thriving, growing, abundant economic times for let's say six of the eight years of Reagan.

The first two we're in a recession from Carter and we're coming out of it. But overall, on balance, those six years of Reagan we were reducing the deficit, reducing unemployment, growing the economy at record levels. The economic growth was so robust it continued into the nineties. Bill Clinton's tax increases were not even enough to kill it off, and Clinton benefited tremendously from it. Yet people that lived through it can easily be persuaded that it failed, that trickle-down is a failed theory. Even though they lived through it, even though their economic times had never been better and are abundantly worse now, they can still be made to believe that years of abundance and prosperity didn't happen or only happened for a few or were fake, fraudulent.

And I know the answer, I know the reason why. It's because the Republican Party doesn't champion those events, doesn't explain why things were working -- and, more importantly, does not explain. Even today, there's a golden opportunity out here for the Republican Party to explain this mess. There's a golden opportunity for the Republican Party to explain all this lack of respect for authority on Ebola, whatever the issue, economics, debt, lack of jobs, welfare state growing, general malaise. Whatever it is. There's a reason all this is happening. It's called liberalism, it's called Democrat Party, it's called Obama, it's called his policies, and I don't even have to make it personal to illustrate it.

The Republicans are afraid they're gonna be accused of personally attacking the first black president. But there's a way of explaining to the American people why this isn't working and what the solution is. And if when things work the Republican Party would then take the time to explain why it's working, it may well be that people would remember it and continue to prefer it. But since that is absent, the Republican vote is always more of a protest vote like it looks like this one's gonna be. People get mad at the Democrats. They get mad at the things Democrats cause and they want a change.

So they vote the other guys. But after a while they'll feel it safe to go back because the other party is not doing a good job of communicating what it believes in, why what it believes works, with real-world examples being offered at the same time. So Mrs. Clinton's simply taking advantage of that. She's taking advantage of the fact that the history revisionism of the 1980s is still there: "Trickle-down doesn't work. Trickle-down is unfair. Trickle-down means the rich got richer, poor got poorer. Trickle-down, yeah! Well, the reason it didn't work is 'cause the rich don't share their money. They take it from everybody and then they hoard it, and they don't give it away, and they don't share it, and they don't give people raises," whatever the hell it is. It's all lies.

And she knows this is all lies. But her base wants to hear it. Your average Democrat voter demands to hear this. If she doesn't say it, she doesn't have a prayer of getting the nomination if there's somebody else out there who will say it, such as Elizabeth Warren. Let's go back to July 13th, 2012, Roanoke, Virginia, President Obama wanted to get in on the act himself.

OBAMA: If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. If you got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

RUSH: Same thing. Now, the White House tried to slide out of that claiming that people were misinterpreting the president's comments, taking him out of context, but they weren't. He said it just as Elizabeth Warren said it and Hillary has said it, just as they both said it.


RUSH: We start on the phones in this hour with Patrick in Morristown, New Jersey. Patrick, thank you for calling. Great to have you here, sir.

CALLER: Hey, Rush.

RUSH: Yeah, hi, Patrick. How are you?

CALLER: Congratulations on the Steelers.

RUSH: Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Something odd happened, 51 points.

CALLER: (laughing) So I was telling the screener, as far as Barack Obama in a Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton, what she's doing is being a high-information voter like myself. It's very easy. You helped me to be able to read the seams on a fastball when they throw out the lines. I work for a 50-person medical equipment company, which was started over 70 years ago through hard work and innovation and creativity. Like you said, I'm not sure who creates the jobs if companies like this don't.

There are 500 families that are able to support themselves through somebody who started this, and I think they're naturally steering the low-information voters towards, you know, the government creates everything and the government does everything. It's just obvious what they're doing. It's a class warfare play. Anybody who starts a business or is successful at a business is bad. And, you know, if you're working for somebody who has a business, you're good, and government's good. It's just very obvious what Barack in the Pantsuit is doing.

RUSH: Exactly right. Well, it's demonizing the successful. It is delegitimizing the private sector, private enterprise. It delegitimizes the normal pursuits of people that have traditionally been thought necessary for success, or the pathway to success. And even though she didn't say it... I mean, if private corporations, large businesses and small businesses don't create jobs, then who does? Well, if these businesses didn't build themselves, there's only one answer. The government's actually doing all this. But the point I think that you're making is a valid one.

In addition to feeding the insanity that now constitutes the Democrat Party's base voter, they're not just feeding it. They are also shaping or trying to shape the minds of other people who are not... You call 'em low-information voters, but they're not attuned each and every day. And look, normally we would be laughing ourselves silly about this. I remember 25 years ago, 20 years ago, even 15, when a Democrat would come out and say something literally asinine like this, we'd laugh about it. We'd joke. We'd talk about how desperate they must be, and we would all conclude, "Nobody's ever gonna believe this. What are they doing? Gosh, how desperate are they?

"Nobody's gonna fall for this," and sad to say, here we are in 2014, and a lot more Americans than we ever believed have actually fallen for this stuff. They actually can be made to believe it. They can be made to hate private enterprise. They can be made to distrust whatever the Democrat Party wants to make them not believe in and distrust. It's overwhelming, A, the amount of... I don't know if you can chalk it up to stupidity or fear or what have you. All I know is, 25, 20, 50, 30, whatever, it doesn't matter. This kind of stuff would have guaranteed Mrs. Clinton a ticket out of any serious campaign.

She would have demonstrated herself to be dangerously unqualified, misinformed, and a national joke. Today, it's something she has to say in order to have a chance in the Democrat Party, because they have been successful in making enough of their people believe it or want this to be true, that, sadly... I mean, you can laugh at it all day long, but it's not funny anymore because all these years people were believing this crap that we all thought was just nonsense. And, as such, here we are rational, intelligent, and we don't know how to relate to this. I don't. I know you never get into an argument with a fool because people will not be able to tell who's who after awhile.


RUSH: Grab sound bite number 21, Mike. I've been talking about Elizabeth Warren, and I want to make sure people have heard this. You know, we have new people every day. This audience is expanding. You would not believe the expansion of this audience even now into our 27th year. It defies media protocols, defies media history. It's a beautiful thing. As such, there are people new here every day, and it takes six weeks minimum to understand everything that can happen here and put it all in context.

So there may be some people saying, "Elizabeth Warren? I know who she is. What did she say?" 'Cause I'm saying Hillary Clinton's is saying what she's saying because of Elizabeth Warren. So let's go back. This was September 2011, so three years ago now. Andover, Massachusetts. She was running for the Senate, her talking tour. She's a former Harvard professor. She's very wealthy, by the way. You need to know that Elizabeth Warren and her husband are extremely wealthy. She was making speeches around the state, and in my belief, this is what Hillary is reacting to.

WARREN: There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear: You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.

RUSH: This woman is a serious contender for the Democrat presidential nomination in 2016. She is loved and adored by a sizable number of Democrat base voters. Do you hear the rage and the hatred in her voice, by the way, when she describes this? And the reason this resonates with people is because of decades now of political correctness and victimology in this country. The left has sought to make as many people as possible think of themselves as victims.

Victims of the system. Victims of the rich. Victims of the boss. Victims of unfairness. Victims of discrimination. Victims of whatever. And what the Democrats tried to do is to say, "You know what? You all are really the people responsible for this nation succeeding, but you are getting nothing for it. The rich and the Republicans are taking you for everything you've got, and they're using you and spitting you out, and they don't like you, they don't love you, they don't respect you."

And so for your average Democrat, low-information voter walking around aimlessly seeking for meaning in life, here comes Elizabeth Warren telling them, "You know what? General Electric, you are actually responsible for that. Walmart, you are actually responsible, and nobody's giving you credit. But I, Elizabeth Warren, I know how you made Walmart possible. And, by the way, while you made Walmart possible, you are also going to save the planet from climate change. You have helped destroy the planet, too, but you can atone for that," and this is how they do it.

"You didn't build that iPhone, but you made it possible. If it weren't for you being exploited, and some Chinese workers, you wouldn't have that iPhone, but what are you getting for it? Nothing. In fact, you have to buy that iPhone!" They should be giving it to you, is her point, because you made it possible.

Now, if you're wandering around aimlessly, if you have no meaning in your life and you're looking for somebody to fix that, all they've gotta do is come say to you what Elizabeth Warren just said here. "You are responsible for all of this success. But typically in this unfair, rigged game called America, you aren't getting credit for what you've done. You are being take advantage of." For the weak and the psychologically imbalanced, this is just music to their ears. And here's Elizabeth Warren from the government coming to tell them.

So the champion is the government. The champion is the person that works in government. The evil is the boss in the so-called private sector. And speaking of that. You know how terms and words sometimes work to a disadvantage, even though they may be as accurate as you can hope to be? I must confess that this whole term "private sector" for a long time has rubbed me wrong, and I've never been able to really pinpoint why. It was not a big deal. I didn't spend time agonizing on it. But it really was driven home when I kept hearing Mitt Romney talk about the private sector and what he had done in it. I started think, "Okay, I can see how this might be a negative for people."

The private sector is simply the economy, as opposed to the public sector, which is government. The government's public; the economy's private. But see, this word "private," I don't think is helpful here. Private denotes what? Exclusive. Keep out. You're not welcome. So I've always cringed. When you have a whole slew of low-information voters -- who've got, I mean, millions of skulls full of mush running around out there whose daily lives are spent resenting other people, envying other people -- and you tell them that all of these rich people are in the private sector, you may not even know what it is, but still the word "private" and "sector"? And what's sector? It's a military term. Sector? Why just call it the economy? Because that's what it is.

The private sector is just the economy. Private sector, private enterprise, but free enterprise. I don't know. With everything else they were tagging Mitt Romney with, hating his dog, putting it on the top of the station wagon on vacation, letting a guy's wife with cancer die and not caring. Remember all those things? Romney at the same time was running around talking about -- and it was quite natural to do -- what he had done in the private sector. He was talking about it as a positive. Private sector, that's where real people are. That's not the government. That's where commerce takes place, the private sector.

Competition. If you make it big in the private sector, you've made it big because there's genuine real competition, all that. But that term "private sector," it sounds exclusionary, or I think it could be made to sound exclusionary. Exclusive. Private. You're not welcome. I'm sure some people say, "Come on, Rush, this is absolutely..." No, it's not. Not any longer. We are surrounded by... I don't want to call it idiocy, but we are surrounded by ignorance. We are surrounded by vacancy in the head, and when minds are ignorant and vacant, they are open to be filled with whatever an artful communicator can fill 'em up with.

Can you deny that "private sector" has become a focus of evil for a lot of people? The private sector is where the game is rigged. The private sector is where you don't have a chance. But over here in the government, they're the guys that come in and make it fair to you. The public sector, that's where Elizabeth Warren is who's telling you how important you really are and how big a shaft you're getting by all those people in the private sector. Yeah, those people didn't build it, but they're the ones that got all the money, right? They didn't build it, but they're the ones that are rich! They didn't build it, but they're the ones that get to hire and fire you, right?

Here comes Elizabeth Warren and now Hillary Clinton: "Those people, they're just mean and extremists and they take advantage and don't do anything for you, but we're here as your champions," and it's worked. The government is the architect of so many mistakes, so many policy failures -- I mean, blatant -- and yet people still turn to the government to fix everything. Even after it's made the biggest mess of something that could be made. It's taken a long time. It didn't just happen overnight. People are not born thinking government's infallible. But that's who Elizabeth Warren is.

Listen to this one more time, and I want you to listen to how angry she sounds here, and this is purposeful, too. You're a Democrat voter in Massachusetts where she made this speech in Andover, or you're a Democrat voter anywhere, and you're supposed to be mad because you're getting the shaft each and every day. "You're getting screwed left and right. You're being used. You're actually accomplishing a whole lot but not getting any credit for it. People are stealing from you and not giving it back. They're using your labor and they're getting rich, and what do you have to show for it? No job." That's her message.

And what's the Republican retort to it? They laughed. "Ha-ha-ha! Who's gonna believe this? Ever heard of Occupy Wall Street?" That's my point. There are more people who believe this than you would be comfortable knowing. Here it is again. Listen to how angry she sounds when she says it.

WARREN: There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear: You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.

RUSH: Yeah, and that's who Hillary is emulating with her private sector, small business, corporations. They don't create the jobs. No, of course not. You know what? You created your own job. You got fired from it. You just don't remember. You create all the jobs, just like you built all the roads and you made all the cops and all the security forces to protect the factory. And you built all the stoplights. And you did everything.

You built the factory. You even buy the advertising for the factory for the business that comes out of it. You did all that, and you probably hired yourself at that factory but you got fired. You don't remember hiring yourself, but that's what happened. These people came along and they saw how valuable you were, and they didn't want you getting any credit so, man, they fired you as soon as they could. They don't want you anywhere near that because everybody knows you're the one that really built that factory.

Listen to some Occupy Wall Street people sometime and you'd think somebody's writing their script. No, the sad thing is they believe it. That's why there's no compromise with 'em. There isn't any getting along with 'em. There's no common ground, certainly not any common ground. All there is left is to defeat them -- and the more sizably, the better.


RUSH: By the way, Elizabeth Warren talks about how all of these business owners don't have to worry about the marauding bands that would come and seize everything at their factory because you pay for all the cops, you pay for all the security, and you pay for the firemen. Well, she didn't say who the marauding bands are. You know who they are? She is. Hillary Clinton is. Barack Obama. The Democrat Party is the marauding band aiming at every private sector business they can get their hands on.

The marauding bands are not criminals in the common sense. The marauding bands today are Democrats and anybody else at any government agency deciding to target any business whatsoever and to make it pay for whatever transgressions they want to accuse it of. And it's all legal. These marauding bands can regulate a business out of existence.

The marauding bands of Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the federal government can harass a business legally to the point that it makes no sense to stay open. Marauding bands that can tell bakeries who they have to do business with. The marauding bands today are not just your average, ordinary street thugs that everybody knows. The marauding bands today are targeting wealth and success and achievement, and can all be found in the Democrat Party and various agencies of the federal government.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2016elecion; businesses; create; election2016; hillary; hillaryclinton; hillarytruthfile; jobs
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To: tumblindice

It is a wonder why Republicans candidates don’t do any better against completely idiotic opponents....the locals here in Minnesota seem to just keep replaying ‘safe’ Republican campaigns...

21 posted on 11/01/2014 9:54:48 AM PDT by Son House (Who's going to clean up Bush's mess now? </sarc>)
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To: erkelly
Think about it, which came first, the cattle ranches or the railroad?

Not sure what your point is, but there were immense ranches in CA in the early 19th century, but they sold only the hides and to some extent tallow, as there was no way to get meat to a market.

Cattle ranching didn't become profitable in the West until there was a market for beef. Army, miners, or the cities via the railroad. As with CA, there were lots of cattle in TX after the WBTS, but they weren't worth anything till driven to the railhead.

The whole thing is intertwined. But the pioneers needed provable title to the lands they settled. Which means government.

Roads, canals and railroads require eminent domain, or they won't be built.

No business can thrive without some minimal level of law and order and enforcement of contracts, which again means government.

Without government subsidy, the transcontinental railroad would not have been built for decades after it was.

Inventors needed copyright and patent protection to allow them to enjoy the fruits of their creativity. That's government.

Most if not all bridges were paid for by one or another level of government.

You got me with the airplane. Invented by solo operators. But most of the technical advances in airplanes have been funded by government, primarily during wartime.

22 posted on 11/01/2014 9:55:01 AM PDT by Sherman Logan
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To: Amagi

Don’t you just love it when some moron calls this ditz “smart”? For the past 20 years I must have heard that a thousand times from all kinds of people and I’m still waiting for one single solitary example that shows she is smart. The women can’t even comprehend basic logic 101 not to mention the fact that every job she’s ever held since the early 1970s she’s screwed up on a massive scale which is probably why our first radical Muslim President made her Secretary of state, and what was the result? Surprise, she screwed it up on a massive scale only this time 4 Americans lost their lives. Making this dingbat President would be like nuking the Titanic as it’s sinking.

23 posted on 11/01/2014 9:56:37 AM PDT by GrandJediMasterYoda (Not all Muslims are terrorists but all Muslims are potential terrorists.)
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To: Son House

Classic “Broken Windows Fallacy”.

24 posted on 11/01/2014 11:16:39 AM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: Sherman Logan

Look up “Broken Windows Fallacy”. Bastiat should be taught in every college today.

25 posted on 11/01/2014 11:23:28 AM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: Jan_Sobieski

In what way do you find Bastiat relevant to post 22?

26 posted on 11/01/2014 12:11:19 PM PDT by Sherman Logan
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To: Sherman Logan

Governments create no lasting jobs. They take money from the private sector and redistribute. Governments also have a perverse incentive to spend, in order to get the budget next year. Broken Windows Fallacy says that government confiscation of wealth actually inhibits and prevents true growth. It is only the free market that creates jobs. This is economics 101.

27 posted on 11/01/2014 1:19:45 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: Son House

EVERYBODY knows jobs are created by the Federal Job Machine, but mean old Bush hid the keys when he left the White House....

28 posted on 11/01/2014 1:28:05 PM PDT by Kozak ("It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal" Henry Kissinger)
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To: Son House

Hillary’s husband created “jobs” for one special White House intern.

29 posted on 11/01/2014 1:34:21 PM PDT by windsorknot
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To: Jan_Sobieski
Yes, but.

A free market also cannot exist without government to provide the matrix within which it functions.

Broken Windows Fallacy says that government confiscation of wealth actually inhibits and prevents true growth.

That's not exactly the BWF, but we'll let that pass.

There is, for any society, a level of government power and influence which provides for optimum economic activity.

Too low, and you have Somalia or any country in the middle of a civil war. This has been the default condition of human society throughout history. Businesses simply cannot function in these conditions.

As governments gain greater power, they create peace and especially, the predictability that is so key to business function.

As governments pass the optimum and continue to gain control, their regulations begin to act as a clog on business activity, and businesses in self-defense start trying to influence govrnment's actions that might impact them.

Think of it as the regulatory version of the Laffer Curve.

BTW, I disagree strongly with the commonly propounded notion that governments do not generate ANY wealth. In the first place, without government no business would in general be able to function, so the government provides the environment in which all wealth is created. But let's set that aside.

A government builds a bridge. It reduces travel time and increases productivity for 100,000 people.

If that bridge had been built by private enterprise, I assume you would agree it generated wealth.

But the bridge is the same and serves the same function even though it was built by a government. It generates the same wealth.

Similar factors apply for most things governments do, with the obvious exception of transfer payments. An obvious example is the military, which in its basic function creates nothing but death and destruction. But without a military to protect the nation, the economic system itself would eventually be destroyed by invasion.

I am perfectly willing to agree that governments usually are an inefficient way to produce stuff. But that makes them inefficient producers, it doesn't make them non-producers.

30 posted on 11/01/2014 1:54:28 PM PDT by Sherman Logan
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To: Jan_Sobieski


31 posted on 11/01/2014 1:56:22 PM PDT by Sherman Logan
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To: Sherman Logan

I will stick with tried and true economists like Bastiat rather than liberal hack reporters like Joe Weisenthal. Do you also believe that inflating the money supply will stimulate the economy?

32 posted on 11/01/2014 2:04:55 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: Jan_Sobieski

But I doubt Bastiat ever said anything about governments being only a drain on the economy. He was much too intelligent to say such an idiotic thing.

Let’s look at NYC. In 1994 Giualiani took office and was followed by Bloomberg till a year ago, who largely continued his policies.

In those almost 20 years the city was completely turned around, going from one of the most crime ridden cities in the nation to among its safest.

Let’s just ignore the wealth created by giving people much safer lives to lead.

How much greater do you think the raw financial value of NYC as a whole is now vs. what it would have been had the politices of the former majors held sway for those 20 years? IOW, how much wealth did the two mayors create simply by doing their job well?

We will probably find out, as the present mayor begins disassembling the policies that made New Yorkers safe.

BTW, you don’t refute an argument by calling the author names. You have to show where the argument is wrong, not just let us know you dislike the author.

33 posted on 11/01/2014 2:53:42 PM PDT by Sherman Logan
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To: Sherman Logan

It is clear that you do not understand economics, Adam Smith, Frederic Bastiat, or free markets. I did not argue for a complete absence of Government, only that Governments do not generate wealth. What part of the western world’s debt problem do you not understand!?! I have no time for tired, worn out, keynesian arguments so troll somewhere else. ;-)

34 posted on 11/01/2014 3:23:00 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: Son House


35 posted on 11/01/2014 6:01:00 PM PDT by Pagey (HELL is The 2nd Term of a POTUS who uses the terms “social justice” and “fair distribution".)
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