When this was evident for all to see in 2008 and 2012 the GOP sat quietly and said NOTHING!!!!!! Not one of these cowards stepped forawrd and raised holy hell NOT ONE! So now we have allowed this criminal behavior to go on without repercussions, prosecution or jail time to send a message so here we are SURPRISED and concerned that it’s going to happen again and the GOP will hide behind the curtain see no evil hear no evil speak no evil. What a shame that we the American people have been suckered and abused by the very politicians who say they have our backs. Look we have jeb we have romney we have Kark Rove who said we have it in the bag ON ELECTION NIGHT!! in 2012. WE ARE IN DEEP KAKA
(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;
Long story short, the GOP tried to have this overturned and were shot down.