I believe that story.
Obama restricted the air strikes so much that they were almost completely ineffective against ISIS.
He doesn't care about the victims of ISIS, he created ISIS. While he was gutting the military through massive cuts in 2010, 2012, and 2013 through Sequestration, he was secretly funneling Billions to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and "rebels" in Syria which we all now know were ISIS. He released ISIS leaders from our jails, made speeches in Cairo calling for the Caliphate, and lied about Benghazi. That operation was to funnel more arms to ISIS through that "embassy" where Americans were tortured and murdered on Sep 11, 2012. It was an arms depot.
Children are beheaded and murdered, Christian women raped and murdered. Obama doesn't care.
To those "Americans" that actually cast a vote for this demon possessed evil man, I only have contempt.
is the garbage America elected twice.
I wish your post & pictures would go viral.
Barbarians need to be stopped.
Lord, have mercy!