WOW ..?????
But GOD, WHO IS RICH IN MERCY .. is what he really prayed.
I guess you will pummel me too; I prayed for a young man who worked in my office who was dying of aids. He had been born again as a 7 yr old child. We prayed together, and he asked GOD for forgiveness.
Oh yeah, I knew he was close to the end, so I was praying for him everyday. One morning, I was at a prayer service at my church. While I was praying, I saw a vision of my friend, and he was wearing a white garment; he had a smile on his face and then a hand appeared on his shoulder, and he waved at me and then the vision was gone. When I arrived at work, I was greeted with the information that my friend had died. I had the joy of telling his parents what I had seen in my vision.
How do any of you know that she was not born again as a young girl, but life’s issues have led her astray.
I think all of your comments were very UN-Christian, while you’re complaining about what Joel said.