Can you name 1 Rino that supports gays and abortion?
If they openly support gays and abortion we know they are not even Rino.
Mitt Romney.
Scott Brown.
Myth Romney: Abortion: Since a cousin of his died of a botched illegal abortion in 1962, Myth Romney, like his daddy and mommy before him, has been a supporter of abortion. On occasion, he may have denied it or obfuscated about it, but Myth has been cheer leading abortion for 52 years at least. He also included abortion funding in Romneycare, grandfather of Obozocare.
Myth Romney: Agenda of "Gay" Everything: When Myth was governor of Taxachusetts, its State Supreme Judicial Court handed down a decision saying that the STATE Constitution (written by John Adams in the 18th century) prohibited Taxachusetts' laws limiting marriage to a heterosexual couple but making a point to NOT set a timetable for changing the state laws and leaving the matter to the Taxachusetts legislature. Myth called immediately for his photographers, his newspaper and media reporters and editorialists and his legal staff (and his fiddlers three?) to write up a memorandum to all Taxachusetts town clerks ORDERING them to immediately prepare and issue upon demand "gay""marriage" applications OR ELSE.
Since, as you say, that means that Myth Romney is not EVEN a Rino. You may apologize for voting for Myth and all will be forgiven.