So if he was symptomatic for 3 or 4 days BEFORE he was diagnosed, having visited the ER once and been sent home, this kind of blows the ‘symptomatic people don’t do anything that might endanger others, they’re too sick’ meme doesn’t it?
Scratch that. New diagnosed nurse, not Duncan.
So if he was symptomatic for 3 or 4 days BEFORE he was diagnosed, having visited the ER once and been sent home, this kind of blows the symptomatic people dont do anything that might endanger others, theyre too sick meme doesnt it?
We know this is true. The doc who called rush. Also, just pure science. There is not a Moment One when you start shedding virus, that happens to be at the exact moment your immune system turns up your temp. Ridiculous.
It has been proven that you can shed and infect someone with a simple stomach virus the day before you come down with it. Yes, you feel just fine, visit and kiss your friend in another city, and then the next day you get sick. He was exposed and might get sick too. Of course there have been zero studies proving the CDC’s claim that the magical moment of symptoms obvious = the first second you could infect others.
DUH, really. How healthy would you feel if you had sex with your spouse and the next morning they had ebola? Common sense. Anyone with compromised immune system on that plane, especially if the touched the same seat top or bathroom door handle as the poor new ebola patient, could have been exposed. And compromised immune system doesn’t only mean CANCER: IT MEANS SOMEONE WHO HADNT HAD ENOUGH SLEEP, SOMEONE WITH A COLD, SOMEONE UPSET (death in family, going through divorce).