The WaPo sure is eager to push Mitt into making another disastrous run.
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To: greyfoxx39
He would have been a million times better than Obozo.
2 posted on
10/13/2014 3:56:37 PM PDT by
(Mitt Romney is our last chance to save America - VOTE!!!!!)
To: greyfoxx39
"Hes the only qualified person to run this time, Chidester said. I think not.
3 posted on
10/13/2014 3:57:13 PM PDT by
("the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery" Sarah Palin)
To: greyfoxx39
There are people intent on pushing him on us again.
4 posted on
10/13/2014 3:57:20 PM PDT by
(People who support liberal "Republicans" summarily support every action by same.)
To: Diana in Wisconsin; Kakaze; Tammy8; metmom; Cap Huff; svcw; leapfrog0202; Concho; delacoert; ...
5 posted on
10/13/2014 3:57:33 PM PDT by
(Valerie Jarrett warned us they would "get even with those who opposed them"..)
To: greyfoxx39
Here are the real leaders.
8 posted on
10/13/2014 3:58:31 PM PDT by
(The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.)
To: greyfoxx39
If it looks like a conservative might win, he will run interference.
But we are supposed to support the anti-conservative Republicans without criticism.
9 posted on
10/13/2014 3:58:44 PM PDT by
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans)
To: greyfoxx39
Rat Romney will backstab EVERY conservative
like the last three (3) elections.
Romney is the scum that created Obama,
ObamaCARE, and the rest.
And he defines the GOP - the GIVE.Obama.POWER. party
11 posted on
10/13/2014 3:59:27 PM PDT by
(The EXEMPT Congress is complicit in the absence of impeachment)
To: greyfoxx39
Mitt, have mercy...
Ramirez's latest political cartoon LARGE VERSION 10/12/2014: LINK LINK to regular sized version of Ramirez's latest, and an archive of his political cartoons.In this political cartoon, Ramirez presents, "Obama Safety"
FReepers, 16% of the FReepathon goal has been met. Please click above and pencil in your donation now. Lets retire this effort early this quarter.
...this is a general all purpose message, and should not be seen as targeting any individual I am responding to...
15 posted on
10/13/2014 4:00:57 PM PDT by
(Obama and the Left are maggots feeding off the flesh of the United States.)
To: greyfoxx39
Will everybody please stop “nudging” Mitt!
16 posted on
10/13/2014 4:01:06 PM PDT by
(Ebola and Enterovirus-D68. Proud members of Viruses Without Borders.)
To: greyfoxx39
Willard serves a single purpose: to make sure no Conservative gets the GOP nomination. So did McQueeg.
To: greyfoxx39
for godsake QUIT
You are a proven LOOSER
19 posted on
10/13/2014 4:02:21 PM PDT by
(Age takes a toll: Please have exact change)
To: greyfoxx39
Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result!! WE WANT A CONSERVATIVE !!Not the father of communist medicine in the USA!!!
To: greyfoxx39
The other day he said he definitely wasn’t running. I thought to myself, “Dang, he’s running.”
His lips were moving, you see.
23 posted on
10/13/2014 4:03:18 PM PDT by
(If the courts make our laws, there's been a coup d'etat. Wake up, America.)
To: greyfoxx39
The real nudge seems to be coming from the voters. Don’t think Romney will run again since he is tired of some Republicans who couldn’t think in 2012 and are still sad mixed up individuals.
To: greyfoxx39
"Obama and I are partners in the death of America."
26 posted on
10/13/2014 4:04:47 PM PDT by
(The EXEMPT Congress is complicit in the absence of impeachment)
To: greyfoxx39
And in January 2013, we got all these stories about how Romney really didn’t want to run and felt forced into it. Enough with this BS. Its time to move on.
27 posted on
10/13/2014 4:05:54 PM PDT by
Opinionated Blowhard
("When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.")
To: greyfoxx39
He’d have been a million times better for USA then enemy illegal alien But Romney didn’t show much interest in really campaigning to get the job, he had several really major issues on his side that ge either failed to raise of else did not push very hard. Basically, he lost an election that was his for the taking. We could discuss his policies forever and a day but if a candidate won’t run like he wants to win — then we need to find someone else who will.
28 posted on
10/13/2014 4:06:29 PM PDT by
((Brilliant, Profound Tag Line Goes Here, just as soon as I can think of one..))
To: greyfoxx39
I voted for this meatball the last time just to keep Obama out...I wasted my vote on him when I could have voted for a conservative...It WON’T happen again...
29 posted on
10/13/2014 4:07:15 PM PDT by
To: greyfoxx39
30 posted on
10/13/2014 4:07:36 PM PDT by
(Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
To: greyfoxx39
This smacks of being a planted story.
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