Gee! I wonder if there is a lot of humpin’, bumpin’ and sweatin’ going on here?
Did I say “sweatin’?” You bet! You don’t think these savages do the dance in air-conditioned huts do you?
Now, about that sweatin’’s a body fluid isn’t it?
Yep, that’s what I thought.
How about exchanging mouth slime? Surely they press their lips and exchange mouth spit. How about kissing sweaty parts of the infected host?
The article is totally stupid! It’s like locking the front door and opening all of the windows and other doors in the house and then feeling safe.
The difference is the time frame.
All the other body fluids have contagious ebola while you have symptoms. Average time an ebola infection is contagious from the other fluids is six days. That includes the typical quick burial time from the dead body.
But from Semen from a survivor, up to 90 days.