I really don’t understand these students today. They all want us to celebrate diversity and COEXIST and practice tolerance. Free speech this and that... But when it’s something that offends them it is the end of the world and heads must roll. I am so tired of this scam and fake freedom. You know how many times I am offended by something just driving to work? Imagine all the Che Guevara and Mao posters on every campus in America that conservatives are offended by. Womyns study groups, LBGT celebrations, Marxist professor, anti-Israel, anti-Christian, Darwin “fish” decals that mock Christianity, anti-American everything....but yet, no one complains from our side. We accept that on a campus there are weirdos and leftists and America-hating creeps. And all we ask is that we be left alone with our own opinions....no matter how offended you are.
I have been thinking about your post since I read yesterday.
It is not the students as much as the liberals, they have come to believe that their first amendment right to be perpetually offended trumps my first amendment right to have an opinion.
If my opinion differs from their perpetually offended stance, I am immediately racist, or homophobic or gender biased.
I refuse to be labelled as anything other than having a differing opinion.
Diversity is great if you think about it, it should be celebrated- makes one think, test, open new ideas, see new vistas.
But if practiced in group think there is nothing new, no new experiences, no new ideas, no new vistas. How boring!
As to being offended, every day I am offended by close minded people.
I am offended by lazy co-workers, I am offended by graffiti passed off as great art, I am offended by the _resident in the White House.
I offended by whatever ..ism is the latest version of societal control.
But what I do everyday is pick my battles, I am but a small cog in great big wheel of life.
I cannot change the world just my little insignificant corner of my insignificant corner of this world.
A word here, a word there, an idea here and idea there getting people to see think, to test,to see.
I must chuckle “I really dont understand these students today” the lament through the ages. I do not understand their music, dance,politics- what all parents have said through the ages.
I am not busting your chops just chuckling at your choice of words.