I have written before on FR that I think only a very tiny percentage of Americans have any idea of what the constitution really says and I say that not because I think I am an expert, my knowledge is minimal but what scares me is that in speaking to others I often wind up feeling that IN COMPARISON to them I AM an expert. I also believe that the overwhelming majority of Americans would be horrified if they were presented with the challenge of actually living by the true meaning of the constitution. Certainly that would mean that most of the federal government, most of the activities of state governments and much of local government would have to cease immediately.
If you want to see just how little people understand just try telling them that this country was NOT founded as a democracy and in fact section four of article four guarantees to each state a Republican Form of Government. The capital letters are in the document! Be careful though! Some may become violent if you tell them the truth. By the way have you ever watched Mark Dice’s videos on YouTube?
I agree it is a tremendous problem but not hopeless. I may be wrong, but it seems that conservatives are becoming more vocal and resistant to the shrill and phony liberal outrage. We need fewer shrinking violets and people willing to take heat for what they say.
Example: Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke as slut and he gets the heat from politicians who paraded the slut in front of Congress. They defile the dignity of congress but Limbaugh is considered outrageous. I’m only sorry he backed down but he should have gotten a flood of support. All this crap about “civility” is just another gag to prevent evil from being called evil.
Think about it. Rush is condemned for calling a slut a slut, but someone who advocates killing babies, well, they’re just fine, and good, and compassionate to women, and ... just plain evil but they get a pass.
I think we can awaken people to the brilliance and benefits of our constitution, but not without virtue and a firm reliance on Providence.