Not good. What will you say now Cold Case?
“Not good. What will you say now Cold Case?”
About what.....????
That any person has relatives??
Of course they do!
Like I said.....that word “it” can be the biggest and most hyperbolic word.
Dallas is a very populous area....lot’s of people..very spread out though as is common in the west and mid west. So it should be interesting to watch, assuming we get accurate reporting, how they read the chain of actual contacts, probable contacts, potentials and unlikely..
All would be handled differently but all would be interviewed. The probable quarantined, the possible placed on surveillance, and interviews vetted for truth using whatever other data they have, like camera’s, witnesses...whatever..
Let’s see how big that word “it” really is..when “it” faces reality and is confronted with the real as opposed to the imagined.