You won’t get any argument from me about holding men equally responsible with women on this issue.
The problem is that legally, in our society, it is entirely the woman’s decision whether to abort. The father has no legal right to even have any input on her decision.
Therefore, at present, abortion is entirely the woman’s decision and responsibility. I’d be all in favor changing that, though.
I don’t see any reason that the father couldn’t be charged with being an accessory, just as with any other crime.
Sometimes yes the man can’t stop her. I won’t deny that fact. More often than not it’s not the “woman’s choice”. If the woman had a choice she’s keep the baby in a New York minute.
Think I’m kidding you then stand out in front of an abortion clinic with the pro lifers when 40 days for life starts this Sunday and watch the women going in! Watch women, sometimes teen girls being dragged and I mean dragged in by boy friends, fathers husband and they crying. Does that look like they want to do that? Any woman crying going into an abortion mill, does that look like she wants to do that? Yes the pro lifers want to help her too and often women have said they wanted to run to them but their husbands/boyfriends/fathers had suck an (often physical) hold on them they could not run for their lives much less their babies.
Then there are the clinic “deathscorts” that are around the women so they can’t escape while going into the clinic. I’m telling you what the clinics tell you that is to keep the prolifers away from her but in truth that is to keep her from also escaping and going to them! Yes I know there are screwed up chicks like Emely Letts but for one like here there are 100+ that don’t want this!
The more I read about the abortion industry the more I realize how much this is so stacked against women. To sell it as “a woman’s choice” and “it will solve problems” is the biggest lie that happened in the Garden of Eden. It is so screwed on so many levels. It does not free women it chains them to the abortion table!