with tin foil firmly on my head - what is the Forest Service hiding from public view?
These are the same guys who became Nazi’s against simple tourists in the Olympic National Forest during the recent democrat congress “sequester”.
That’s ridiculous.
Thank goodness we have to federal government to protect us. I feel safer knowing a photographer has to pay $1500 to take pictures of Smokey Bear.
They’re stark raving mad.
Punishment: Head chopping with chainsaw for repeat offenders or wood-chipper. 3 clicks and your out for anyone who looks at pictures taken.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
FedGov is not on our side in wilderness areas, but it’s not on our side anywhere else either.
Wanna bet one of the high dollar control freak whack groups has "Special Prints" for their high administration cost NPO they are selling as fundraisers and fear their pictures may loose value.
Our ancestors would be shooting and reloading by now
I think it’s a good idea. It will keep these photographers away and ensure peace for bears shitting the woods.
just try to take a photo of a power plant or electric transmission facility. You will meet a lot of new people.
Tell Ansel Adams...
I take it they are going after the estate of Ansel Adams?
The Department of the Inferior’s National Park Service personnel, the infamous ParcPersons featured in the video Big Park, have been advancing that claim for years. I was at the Cape Canaveral Seashore with a friend, in the parking lot, when a ParcMan aggressively demanded I tell him whether I was a professional photographer or not.
It seems the nasty bureaucrat wanted me to purchase a permit to take a photo. And why did he think I was a professional photographer?
His thinking, such as it was, bears analysis, and the salient points were as follows:
1. His camera looks expensive.
2. Only professional photographers have such cameras.
3. Does that person have a permit?
The Ranger was acting in the aggressive manner of a militarized policeman. He was “taking command of the situation” by starting out in a loud and domineering manner, threatening confiscation of my equipment and fining me. even arresting me.
I told Mr. Armed & Rangerous that barring proof I was a professional photographer, he had no legal reason to question me. I then asked him if he wasaware of a concept called “Presumption of Innocence”. Then, he was also told he would be held accountable for any and all violations of my rights he might be thinking of committing and that he was about to make possible a life of leisure for me should he continued in such manner as there were witnesses to his behavior, and there was no reason for his behavior.
Further, he was told the Constitution of The United States, and of the State of Florida under which he operated (Memorandum of Agreement between FedGov & Florida so placed him) gave him no reason to interrogate, much less threaten, without reasonable suspicion. Equipment cost, especially when such equipment was in a parking lot, was unlikely to a position sustainable in a court, and that he had been so advised.
His move.
ParcMan drove off, muttering.
I recognized the AgencyPerson’s assumption of having the right to demand a permit back in the 1980’s, but as I am Director of a 501C3, non-profit, tax exempt organization, as well as a writer who does not charge for what I write, the Constitution abusing Nature Nazis in the Department of the Inferior so far have decided to not “make my financial day”, so to speak.
Given the institutional stupidity of AgencyPersons, and their culture of aggression towards all who know the Constitution and expect them to act accordingly, I may yet be retired in the manner I fully expect some out-of-control AgencyPerson to actualize for me.
To allow violation of the First Amendment by mere thuggish ParcPersons as a matter of agency policy will one day cause the American public demand reorganization of the Department of the Inferior.
There is a vast amount of data indicating that reorganization will fail, as the Roman, Petronius tells us.
“I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation with reorganization, and a wonderful way it is to produce the illusion of progress while creating demoralization and inefficiency”.
Petronius perfectly describes the problem in the Department of Interior. Remember, Petronius lived when Christ was alive. The problems inherent in bureaucracy were known when Christ walked the earth.
A former Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Committee on the Interior, took the time one Sunday to open one of his banks and there gave me an interview in which he made clear his belief that the entire Department of the Interior had no reason for existence as it was then constituted.
The Agency has since then become even more infested with those infected with socialism.
As land is one of the fundamental sources of wealth, and as this agency is clearly aggressively attacking/opposing any profit being derived from such lands, even when such use has absolutely no conceivable negative impact on the land entrusted to them, Park Service must be downsized, decentralized, and privatized.
At present, the National Park Service and the United States Forestry Service are degrading the lands entrusted to them, and they are openly violating the Constitution protected rights of the all Americans.
ParkPersons have successfully destroyed significant parts of the American economy while destroying the productivity of lands entrusted to them. TO allow them to impoverish America and violate our Constitution defined rights is no longer acceptable.
The Founders knew this and they carefully chained the beast of government so that it could not become what is now is. It has fallen upon us to rechain govenment lest it further chain us down into the slavery that is socialism.
This “Photography Permit” is a tax, PERIOD.