So much stupid here...where to even begin?
Bill? We have this thing called the military. they were kinds formed for this stuff. they kill people and break things. It’s sorta what they do.
Instead of acting like the liberal POS you are, why not forward the radical notion to your viewers that we use them to their full ability? Yea, that means getting getting the Muslim and his GOP Dhimmi’s out of the way. Why not suggest that to your viewers as well?
See, those guys that kill people and break things have lots of things to do the job with. you might also suggest to your viewers that they use them instead of wasting time sitting uselessly in their Muslim mandated transexual appreciation classes.
The stupid is strong with this one.
Bill seems to think an effective 25,000 man army can just be created, supplied and equipped, trained, and led and paid and held together, by who and what?
Who controls them when they go rogue or start raping and pillaging, who owns them, what nation is their base, and on, and on, and on.
If running 25,000 man armies was easy, then Africa would have lots of them to rent out, and at least they would be someone’s national force rather than just 25,000 guys from God know where.
Go ahead Bill, do it and show us. Maybe Trump would throw some money into the idea
Let’s send our warriors from The War On Poverty. Let’s let them get some skin in the game.
O’Reilly is not a conservative.
Not a very good idea. Fight a low tech war and you get all that gore on television which turns off the public. Best to let the professionals handle it.
Step right up; Billie
Why should they be "doing it for themselves" when they believe, deeply, in what ISIS represents?
Why should they be "doing it for themselves" when they believe, deeply, in what ISIS represents?
Not a bad idea on the face of it. Its been done before, and very well. The French conquered and subdued much of their empire with the Foreign Legion and local native troops.
European officered Senegalese (just an example) would put the fear of, well, something in the hearts of the Arabs. They certainly scared the Moroccans.
The real problem is direction. If whoever was picking up the tab put the job of both organizing the army and running the war in the hands of a Hubert Lyautey or John Glubb or even David Petraeus and let him get on with the job it would be done well. The real problem is that the real leadership will be in the mishmash of an international coalition with no direction.
A moabist proposal.
Massive Ordinance Air Blast, aka "Mother of all bombs".
why do we need 25,000 external soldiers to be sent in there? Syria and Iraq are sovereign countries - like it or not. They have their own soldiers - there - on the ground. We do need intelligence on the ground to direct our missiles but that’s about it besides some damn expensive missiles.
Let the coolies on the ground do the dirty work and get them to finance these cruise missiles with their oil money while they are at it.
O’Reilly has put forth a great, do-able solution.
Cheaper yet, out a $1000 bounty on each head beheaded from ISIS members. You could knock off all of them, using their tactics (something they could understand) and fund it for $31,000,000 cheap by war standards.
You mean like a crusade?
Because.... Oh, how many men did Caesar cross the Rubicon with again? I can’t remember.
Because of stuff like that, Bill. You short-sighted....